You know you have your family trained when…

  • The_Bladepuller
    South end
    Posts: 751

    your youngest schedules her wedding around the Oct. full moon. She was married last Oct. 16th & when she told me the date in the summer of 09 she ended the sentence with …”and Dad it isn’t the full moon or the dark of the moon. We picked that date because we really want you there.” True story. BTW..That way my newest son in law, the groom then, would also be there.

    Best fishing time of the year, IMHO.

    Swea City, Iowa
    Posts: 451

    Good Girl.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046

    my wife wanted a fall wedding. i gave her a 2 week window around hunting season to pick a date.

    Rogers / Grand Rapids
    Posts: 561

    My wife didn’t obey and we had a October 8th wedding 6 wonderful years ago. She is such a catch that I was fishing last Saturday on our anniversary. I almost had her convinced that we should go up to ML Friday / Saturday while the two girls are at my moms.

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    My youngest checked with me to make sure the date would not conflict with my hunting. That’s my girl.

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