
  • fish509
    St. Michael
    Posts: 139

    So I have never targeted smallies on ML. I have caught several smallies fishing eyes on ML and want to learn, so this week I am headed to the pond to target them. Anyone have any advice other than rocks? In the fall I find them relating to rocks and weed transitions.

    Topwater bite going? I would assume they are schooled up and roving but not sure how to find em except piles. Thanks

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Pull up the the bouys, drop the trolling motor, set it on high, get a decent pair of sunglasses and start looking for fish. You will know when you find them.
    Basically what I do each time I am chasing them. Cover alot of water and you will locate the school you are after.
    Shoot me a PM and I will try to help by tossing a few community spots your way.


    Davenport, Ia
    Posts: 199

    If anybody can point you in the right direction on ML for smallies Ron can…..

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