• Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    Ladies and Gentlemen……there is no “I” in team. Here is your first opportunity to be a “team player”.

    It time to STOP Tribal netting on Lake Mille Lacs and ALL other lakes! We need your help.

    Welcome aboard!! (pass this to EVERYONE you know, from Facebook to Twitter and every other way you can develop)

    Thank you…..

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    In-Depth Outdoors / James Holst is in for $100.

    Guys… Steve put his butt on the line to take a stand here. The least we can do is back him with financial support to make sure his legal defense is up to the task. Will he win? I have no idea. But nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    To any and all that have come in here over the years each spring and talked about how much they hate the netting… if you haven’t donated to this you really need to put your money where your mouth is. $10? $20? It isn’t too much to ask and as Tuck stated it takes two minutes.

    So come on, guys. Get involved. Show your support.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18973

    I stand behind Steve 100%. My donation is in and I’m grateful for this msg to push me along. Thank you.

    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1095

    Count me in for $50

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389

    Many times we all sit and complain or whine that nothing ever changes. Now we can make a difference if Steve can make his point in court. We all know these court costs and Steve is doing this for all of the fisherman including himself in this state.

    let’s show Steve that yes, we do support this cause.

    Steve Fellegy has went way out there to try and make a change for the better of ML.

    Let’s all try to help with a donation to have a better lake for all of us.

    let’s show Steve that we do care.

    Donation sent.

    Walker, Mn.
    Posts: 611

    In-Depth Outdoors James Holst is in for $100.

    James Im in for $200.00 dont want to one up you but Steve is working hard on this for everyone thanks Steve, lets support him on this issue.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    I`m in and I don`t even live in Minnesota but I hope this one is won so we can do something here in Wisconsin.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    In-Depth Outdoors James Holst is in for $100.

    James Im in for $200.00 dont want to one up you but Steve is working hard on this for everyone thanks Steve, lets support him on this issue.

    Trust me… I’ve never felt so good about being outdone! I hope and trust I’m not stepping on Steve’s toes here by saying THANK YOU! I dearly hope others get involved. Big things can be done by “small people” when we band together and work towards a common goal.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I`m in and I don`t even live in Minnesota but I hope this one is won so we can do something here in Wisconsin.

    Thanks Tom… as anglers and citizens… we’re all in this together and I hope many, many more get involved and help support Steve in this court battle.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Steve, checks in the mail! Keep us all up dated here on In-Depth on how things are going.

    Posts: 19

    Donated directly to Steve; cannot believe the lack of support to this topic that really tells the tail of walking the walk and talking the talk ~ Shame On You All!!

    FYI – Tim Kleven, Cambridge, MN

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Whoa………there. Lack of support? I’m assuming you know something I don’t. I know that well over a $1,000 has been raised from In-Depth members alone. I know this has been talked about a lot in the general discussion thread.

    Maybe you are referring to the lack of comments on this thread?

    Can people do more? Well heck yes they can! Will they step up and do more? I sure hope so.

    Feel free to fill me in on this lack of support you refer to.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Donated directly to Steve; cannot believe the lack of support to this topic that really tells the tail of walking the walk and talking the talk ~ Shame On You All!!

    FYI – Tim Kleven, Cambridge, MN

    Absolutely we can do more and we’re getting the word out. I too was shocked at the lack of support and involvement on this so that’s why we started banging the drum and rallying the troops.

    We’re headed in a good direction and we’re just building up steam.

    Posts: 19


    Whoa………there. Lack of support? I’m assuming you know something I don’t. I know that well over a $1,000 has been raised from In-Depth members alone. I know this has been talked about a lot in the general discussion thread.

    Maybe you are referring to the lack of comments on this thread?

    Can people do more? Well heck yes they can! Will they step up and do more? I sure hope so.

    Feel free to fill me in on this lack of support you refer to.

    My daughter can collect more than that for Girl Scout Cookies, anyone on here with a cabin, boat & SUV can sure surpass a collective $1k, give me a break

    Walker, Mn.
    Posts: 611

    I too was shocked at the lack of support and involvement on this so that’s why we started banging the drum and rallying the troops.

    I dont really blog about this issue just help Steve Fellegy.

    I have no bias with the natives as I have alot of native friends in Walker and netting for their heritage and their tradition is fine with me but to net during the spawn is wrong and I think what their doing is to stick it to some Bimibatoo, ojibway for white. Miigwech Ojibway Thank you and Boozhoo Niij Hi friend Ojibway cant we all be friends.

    Thank you
    Bob Auel

    James keep banging the drumbs

    Posts: 19


    Donated directly to Steve; cannot believe the lack of support to this topic that really tells the tail of walking the walk and talking the talk ~ Shame On You All!!

    FYI – Tim Kleven, Cambridge, MN

    Not a direct donation as above said, check to the Trust and apologize for the mis-statement, that said google “Barb Lindsay of Thousand Oaks”, and contact her please..

    Posts: 19



    Donated directly to Steve; cannot believe the lack of support to this topic that really tells the tail of walking the walk and talking the talk ~ Shame On You All!!

    FYI – Tim Kleven, Cambridge, MN

    Not a direct donation as above said, check to the Trust and apologize for the mis-statement, that said google “Barb Lindsay of Thousand Oaks”, and contact her please..

    Cleaner route ~ ONENATIONUNITED

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Great to see the backing from IDO to support Steve with his case.
    James is in for $100, I can match that-
    Donation just sent in

    Thank-you Steve from ALL of us.
    Jack Naylor

    Posts: 19


    Ladies and Gentlemen……there is no “I” in team. Here is your first opportunity to be a “team player”.

    It time to STOP Tribal netting on Lake Mille Lacs and ALL other lakes! We need your help.

    Welcome aboard!! (pass this to EVERYONE you know, from Facebook to Twitter and every other way you can develop)

    Thank you…..

    Please remember folks June 7th is coming quick, please help the cause and educate oneself!!

    Walker, Mn.
    Posts: 611

    Im sending $20.00 today to add to the pot.

    This is a quote from Steve about funds raised and what still has to be done.

    Ya know, I did know the costs before I initiated this action. What I didn’t know was that people who are against the netting and are pro equal rights would not throw a $20 bill at this without being pushed to do so. All I heard for months(even years) before I did this, was ” let me know how I can help!” “Let me know when you need money….”

    My confidence in getting 1000 people or more to put $20 into this was high, based on sites like this and others. We just broke the 100 donators mark this week.

    So–I brought the action and after the fact, found out fund-raising is my biggest task. If I would have known I had such little $$ support behind me, I would not have taken this on without the $$ upfront.

    FYI–we put over 5K into this before the “fundraising” even started. That being on everyone’s behalf.

    Posted on: 6/10 7:17:27
    Steve Fellegy
    651-270-3383 cell#
    [email protected]

    Posts: 19

    Sad people just don’t get the big picture ~

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    I think it’s time, now, to start stocking the Trust with a bunch more $20 bills ( or bigger bills), so we are well prepared to move on to the next level. Again, if we could get 500 Lake Mille Lacs fans to put an average of $20-$30 into the effort, we will be equipped to do things right and get the nets out of the big lake and potentially elsewhere. And in the process, bring equal rights to all on all fronts.

    Here is the place to make the deposit or send the $$ to: (go to the “support” link)

    Any left over funds will go to MN. Teen Challenge, as mandated by the terms of the Trust. (that would be great to have left over funds!)

    PLEASE help!

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    First, let me say a huge THANK YOU to all of you who, in the past few months, have sent $$ support to the C.A.S.S.T. effort. Surely, without a doubt, I could never pursue this venture without that support.

    It’s now time to step up and add to that $$ support. We will need to be positioned to take this to whatever level the process allows and forces us, in order to meet our goals. Your $$ will do just that.

    Please go here, , and use PayPal or the mailing address to help.

    THANK YOU!! Your support will be represented with honor and relentless effort!!

    A $20 bill ( or larger if you can) from everyone will go a long ways!

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    We need to remind everyone.

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    Need this to be fresh!

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 14

    Count me in for $20.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Got this in an e-mail I will try and get video posted later today :

    Supreme Court redirect on tribal sovereignty?

    A shift in Supreme Court rulings was the theme of CERA’s workshop on Federal Indian Policy held late October in Shwano, Wisconsin. They showed how Court rulings have strengthened State sovereignty, while limiting Executive Branch authority, fee-to-trust, and the expansion of “Indian country.”

    President Nixon’s Indian policy led to unlimited expansion of federal power to define federal Indian policy—and bypass Congress in the process! His Indian policies were bolstered by the 1974 Supreme Court decision Morton v Mancari. It ruled that federal race-based preferential treatment of tribes was not discriminatory because tribes were a “political entity,” and not a racial distinction.

    That could change if the Supreme Court reviews Corboy v. Louie. If the Court’s shift prevails, it could overturn Morton v Mancari and rule that preferential treatment of Indian tribes violates the equal protection clause of the Civil Rights Act. Such preferences would likely face legal action to end or even reverse them.

    The CERA presentation was brought to the State Capitol in Madison the next day for the benefit of Wisconsin legislators. However, word got out and most RSVPs were tribal attorneys from Minnesota. The workshop was aired on Wisconsin Eye, a public affairs television network.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    I will be at the Red Door Resort booth (#710) at the coming Ice Show in St. Paul if anyone needs CASST info or has any questions about our effort on your behalf. Thanks!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I love it! Dayton still has those deer in the headlights look on his face. Want to look at a liar in action, view the video in Steve’s blog.


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