I dont know who to be mad at anymore. Obama? Natives? Jesse Krook?
Jesse is easier to communicate/vent with.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Minnesota Lakes & Rivers » Mille Lacs Lake » mille lacs lake netting issues!!
I dont know who to be mad at anymore. Obama? Natives? Jesse Krook?
Jesse is easier to communicate/vent with.
This is about a court decision. We just went into Pakistan to take out an enemy. Do you think the US gov’t won’t modify “Indian Soveriegnty” if it suits us? What we need is some money and a great lawyer. PS, I thought the Coast Gaurd was going to start it’s “Federal Patrol” of Mille Lacs. That could lead to legal conflict that would require a review of “treaty rights”.
If a group of concerned citizens REALLY wanted to take a stand and try to make a difference they would go to Mille Lacs, throw out a bunch of gill nets, park their campers in the public landing, and make a point! You will all be arrested, but you will get your day in court and claim that you are being discriminated against…that you don’t get the same rights as this so-called “sovereign nation”. Maybe then it will go to the Supreme Court and get over-turned. THAT IS THE ONLY WAY IT WILL EVER CHANGE, sorry to break it to ya!
Now who of you is in and when do we mobilize???
If a group of concerned citizens REALLY wanted to take a stand and try to make a difference they would go to Mille Lacs, throw out a bunch of gill nets, park their campers in the public landing, and make a point! You will all be arrested, but you will get your day in court and claim that you are being discriminated against…that you don’t get the same rights as this so-called “sovereign nation”. Maybe then it will go to the Supreme Court and get over-turned. THAT IS THE ONLY WAY IT WILL EVER CHANGE, sorry to break it to ya!
Now who of you is in and when do we mobilize???
dude have u evn read or seen any of the pictures on the other sites.. you cant even get into the launches….. if you would like to get your gear taken by all means go for it. there are better ways to handle the situation than that!
this pic was takan and the officer and his boat were nowhere to be seen. or this one of the launch being full of tents,campers,and trailers!!
ou812, Steve Fellegy did just that and has taken it to court. Check out the link that Red Door Resort posted on here.
Millelacseye51, I don’t agree with you that a person couldn’t get on the lake and make a statement. I’ve witnessed both of those pictures first hand and I don’t agree with it. With that said, I drove by 3 public landings last weekend that were open for launching boats. There are also resorts that would probably waive a launch fee if you told them your reason for going out there.
ou812, Steve Fellegy did just that and has taken it to court. Check out the link that Red Door Resort posted on here.
Millelacseye51, I don’t agree with you that a person couldn’t get on the lake and make a statement. I’ve witnessed both of those pictures first hand and I don’t agree with it. With that said, I drove by 3 public landings last weekend that were open for launching boats. There are also resorts that would probably waive a launch fee if you told them your reason for going out there.
more power to ya man. you wanna go out and risk your gear go for it! i never said all landing were blocked but if you want to get to where the netting is going on it might be hard weaving through nets and nets that got bouys cut off!!
dude have u evn read or seen any of the pictures on the other sites.. you cant even get into the launches…..
Those were your words, just saying.
ya those were my words but anywhere in that did it say all launches are blocked and all launches are being camped at NO!!!! im not gunna argue with you! its not worth it. theres bettr thing to arguee
Funny guy………you were the one who has the axe to grind.
Points have been made. Steve will do what he is doing. Sit back and enjoy, he has a plan.
Steve will do what he is doing. Sit back and enjoy, he has a plan.
So is it your gear you are concerned about or your RIGHTS???
My point was that the quickest and most effective way to get this into the mainstream media is to be a modern day Rosa Parks and sit your [censored] in the front of the bus, because that is what it will take to get national attention to this travesty of justice. Hen-pecking on here is nothing more than preaching to the choir. Most of us already agree with you! It’s the rest of the world that needs to know what is going on. No offense.
Jesse and all who think in the terms he converys? With THAT take–you are right–nothing will change.
That said, stay tuned. As I and many others intend to prove you wrong. Come back after ice out next spring and tell me I’m wrong.
And no, I won’t debate it here or anywhere for now–any more than I already have on the internet this spring and in the past. But, be rest assured….I and many others will NOT sit back and watch it and allow it to go on endlessly.
Like I said….stay tuned.
Steve, as I mentioned to you before…if they have the balls to take and give you your day in court…I will be there to buy you dinner and a beer! No one has put their reputation and neck on the line in regard to tribal netting. I have researched the treaties ’til no end. And Steve is right. They way he is going about this should and will in my opinion ignite a forestorm that no one can ignore. It is not our DNR that is to blame. Most I have talked to feel the same way we do.
Steve, keep up the fight! I would love to see the court date published here whenever it is possible.
Why did Steve F. get arrested? I thought he was Native American, I mean by being born here in the USA. Does that not make him Native American.
I would love to see the court date published here whenever it is possible.
I agree. I think we should all go to the courthouse to show our support!
Does anyone know the legal defense Steve F plans to use? I am not drawing the connection between his personal violation ticket and Indian netting rights. The Constitutions equal protection clause would be a huge stretch on this one…
The Constitutions equal protection clause would be a huge stretch on this one…
The judge in the first hearing didn’t think so….
From Steve’s blog on the strib website:
Equal Protection
Posted by: Steve Fellegy Updated: November 17, 2010 – 5:53 PM 17 comments print Tweet shareEmail share
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+ add a comment add a commentMany might recall this space being titled ” Court’s In Session” last spring. For those that missed that piece, it is archived within by looking back through the “older” link on the bottom of this space. A read of that piece will clarify the following. Now the latest…..
Almost 6 months later to the day, that one 19.5 ” Lake Mille Lacs walleye became party to a “closed” season fishing violation the DNR issued me, the case finally went to court this week.
In a nutshell, what I’m sure the prosecution thought was a simple game and fish case, quickly moved, potentially, in a far different direction.
Instead of allowing testimony by the CO’s that made the arrest, I suggested, in a sense, we cut to the chase. After reading the following statement, the court recognized that this is most likely an “equal protection” case and ended the “trial” abruptly, ordering both sides to offer written intentions by the first of next year. That walleye’s legacy lives on……
My statement, on the record:
“I do not dispute the facts presented by the state.
My sole and exclusive defense of this charge is based on the fact that during this same time frame, Minnesota and Wisconsin citizens harvested approximately 65 tons of walleyes from the same lake. In the end, solely based on skin color and ethnic origin, this charge discriminates against me and should be dismissed. If not dismissed, I should be found not guilty, based on the protection of such discrimination I am awarded as a United States citizen. In the end, if the lake was open to other U.S. citizens, it surely had to be open to me as well–thus not “closed”, as the charge contends.”
That is where things stand. More to come in the next few weeks……
contact Steve Fellegy at 651-270-3383 or [email protected]
That would be great if he gets traction with it. The Judge, having recognized that SF was making an equal protection argument, is giving him process. I don’t see EP working here. I myself only see 2 ways.
1) A court finding fatal flaw in the origional treaty that allows current interpretation to be declared invalid.
2) Act of congress-literally.
I hope he has a great lawyer working with him.
You know, as far as equal rights, I think legalization of state gambling (casinos, which is not far off in the future) will help this matter as well and I am for it. I am not a big gambler but it irks me to see where the Casino $ ends up. Not in canoes and woven nets that is for sure, not in schools and education, and definitely not in conservation.
Win or lose, take only what you need native netters , your greed has done nothing but exceeded what you feel was taken away. Your heritage will NEVER prevail if you accept handouts and waivers.
For the record, I work with and employ some very educated Native Americans, and they do not agree with your stance. They are prevailing because of this.
I posted this on another site–relative to a poll on the netting issue that was taken a few weeks before Openng Day on that site. It’s been suggested I post it here as well. THANKS for reading it and THANKS for all your ongoing support. All of you will be the key to our success of ending the netting as stated below.
First, l say a big thank you to those that have helped with my effort to end the Tribal netting at Lake Mille Lacs and anywhere else it will take place in the future.
But that said–446 people here on LSF voted on the poll recently that they would like the netting etc. go away. But according to the Trustees at CASSToday.com, more than 400 don’t think it is worth a penny, let alone $20 to help make that happen–2 weeks into having the website online.
This is not about me. It is all about you. It’s all about YOUR lake and walleyes. I sincerely hope you take charge of your own destiny relative to future netting at Lake Mille Lacs and else where around the state.
Be it via PayPal or the mail, it needs to happen and happen now. Attorney’s need to be retained before the fact, not after.
In conclusion, I will tell you all, that I surely would have never stuck my neck out on this if I had any idea this wasn’t at least worth a $20 bill to all who are against the netting. I did this for all of you…not me. So, simply, I ask for your support.
Thanks….help me–please.
Lets go people! It is easy to sit here and criticize from the keyboard. Steve is giving you the option to actually do something about it. We all can justify buying gas, a case of beer, a bottle or bait…But you can’t throw a couple bucks at this effort??? It is a sad state of affairs when we have one of us putting his reputation on the line to fight this LEGALLY, and many of us sit on our wallets and snipe from the comforts of our homes about how much we oppose netting! It is easy, it takes 2 minutes out of your time to donate on Steve’s site…Let’s do our part!!!
In-Depth Outdoors / James Holst is in for $100.
Guys… Steve put his butt on the line to take a stand here. The least we can do is back him with financial support to make sure his legal defense is up to the task. Will he win? I have no idea. But nothing ventured, nothing gained.
To any and all that have come in here over the years each spring and talked about how much they hate the netting… if you haven’t donated to this you really need to put your money where your mouth is. $10? $20? It isn’t too much to ask and as Tuck stated it takes two minutes.
So come on, guys. Get involved. Show your support.
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