Mille Lacs Netting

  • Sartell Eye Guy
    Sartell, MN
    Posts: 624

    I just sent the email below to the MNDNR general question email addy. I will post their response when I get it.

    Can someone please explain how the netters have the right to take over a public access with fish processing stations for days at a time?

    Please also explain how the netters are allowed to camp next to no camping signs at public landings for multiple nights.

    While you’re at it, please let me know why there are unattended nets on the east side. These nets were set on Saturday and have still not been checked. Will the dead and rotting fish in these nets count against the netters quota? Will you pro-rate the wasted fish against their quota from the nets that were lost due to ice shifting from shore to shore last week? (Like it is done for hooking mortality)

    These are legitimate questions and have nothing to do with the treaty. (Which I know you have no control over)

    Then, please let me know how much the fines would be if I did the acts above.

    How much is the fine and or jail time for:

    – Wanton waste of 6,000 to 20,000lbs of walleyes, northern pike, musky, perch….well I guess just let me know on the walleyes, that will make it easier.
    – Driving my RV into a public access and camping for 2 nights.
    – Erecting a tent to provide a service or saleable items at a public access. (with no permit or permission)
    – For ease of math, say, 2,000 unattended tips ups or bobbers, for a 48 hour period.

    Thank you,

    Adam Laidlaw

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Don’t hold your breath on getting a response…RR

    Chippewa Falls,WI
    Posts: 554

    I find it absurd what they can get away with. I guess when your above or should I say beyond our laws reach its nearly unstoppable. They have a different set of rules,laws or regulations they (might) go by. I wouldnt suspect a favorable response if any either.

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902

    Nice questions Adam. I dont think they will even have an answer for you, cause they are too chicken to go there.

    See ya on the trail soon

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    Growing up in Malmo and having close friends who own resorts I’ve spent many mornings in the coffee shop with CO’s from the Mille Lacs area… I can tell you for a fact it hurts them just as much if not more than us to see any abuse of our lake!!

    Unfortunately, as is often the case, politics/politicians who are so out of touch with their constituants and local communities are the ones making decisions. As much as it hurts to see abusive of our lake the only way that things may change is if the mistreatment, through activities such as placing nets before ice-out, become so absurd that it causes our politicians to stand up and take notice.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    I honestly think Steve Fellegy had the right idea last year, what it takes is one of us citizens to do somethiong they get away with and wait or force a DNR person to ticket said offense. Then take the case to court. Jeez, where is it going to end? Remember last year where some band had the bright idea to fish with rod and reel out of season on Lake Bemidji. They forced some government agencies hand, which may or may not be in their favor. I still wish we could get a train of trucks with boat trailers to back their rigs down the boat landing and plug things up for awhile trying to get motors started with “dead” batteries. Heck, could take all day trying to figure out what to do!!!

    Posts: 543

    What ever happened with the Fellegy incident?


    I honestly think Steve Fellegy had the right idea last year, what it takes is one of us citizens to do somethiong they get away with and wait or force a DNR person to ticket said offense. Then take the case to court. Jeez, where is it going to end? Remember last year where some band had the bright idea to fish with rod and reel out of season on Lake Bemidji. They forced some government agencies hand, which may or may not be in their favor. I still wish we could get a train of trucks with boat trailers to back their rigs down the boat landing and plug things up for awhile trying to get motors started with “dead” batteries. Heck, could take all day trying to figure out what to do!!!

    Posts: 196

    pm sent!! am i allowed to post other sites on here. another site has fellegy and a bunch of others that are documenting the situation!

    Posts: 9285

    Where does the link go to? I say post it.

    Posts: 196


    Where does the link go to? I say post it.

    dont want to get kicked off here! got kicked off another site for posting ido on it!

    Posts: 196

    if anyone wants it before i find out if i can post of not pm me!

    River Falls,WI
    Posts: 661

    Dont blame the natives, blame the treaty writers that came up with the ceded territory rules and regulations. Its there land they can do as they please per the treaty. One of my professors told me they even can decide which percentage of walleye can be harvested by non-natives on some of those lakes. food for thought

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    If you are going to send e-mails on this subject you might as well put a Post It Note on the access sign also for all the good it will do.

    The very last thing you will ever get is a response that could be used against them during elections. Money talks…………keep pounding away at state run casinos then give them a double wammy with a sportsman boycott of the casinos. Until you hurt the revenue stream you have nothing to fight with. It’s like going to a gang fight with a nerf bat.

    Posts: 188

    It seems that a large portiom of the general public think netting and spearing are no longer an issue.We need to keep the issue on the news programs and news papers so more people are turned off by this slaughter.We have a tv show here that fefers to all of this as fishing…not netting!
    Perhaps it is time to pool some contributions and buy some billboard space w. pictures..nothing inflammatory, just factual.

    St. Cloud, Minnesota, USA
    Posts: 272


    Dont blame the natives, blame the treaty writers that came up with the ceded territory rules and regulations. Its there land they can do as they please per the treaty. One of my professors told me they even can decide which percentage of walleye can be harvested by non-natives on some of those lakes. food for thought

    Are you serious? Your probably just trolling so I shouldn’t give you the satisfaction of a response but I can’t help myself. Does your professor believe in slavery too? Because that was the law of the land when this treaty was written. Think maybe the world has changed a little in that time? Unbelievable train of thought….

    River Falls,WI
    Posts: 661

    No he doesn’t, and I’m not trolling, I don’t even fish Mille lacs. I just find the blame the natives moniker a little funny that’s all. As long as they have a signed treaty in their favor they can do as they please.

    Posts: 196


    No he doesn’t, and I’m not trolling, I don’t even fish Mille lacs. I just find the blame the natives moniker a little funny that’s all. As long as they have a signed treaty in their favor they can do as they please.

    if you dont even fish mille lacs why even state an opinion!! yes they can do as they please but with all the illegal activites they take place in its not just as simple as sitting back and letting it happen. just yesterday a hunter was hunting and left the woods to find a group of natives cleaning fish 2 miles back in the woods of a wma! why would they do it back there so far and away from the lake! 1 simple answer once their quota is reached they have to stop netting. with that being said they took them away from the lake and into the woods so it didnt count towards their quota meaning illegal possession of the fish so they can keep even more fish! and thats only 1 group that got caught. just think of how many more do it! and just pitching northerns over the side of the boat because once their northern quota is reached they have to stop netting period. so alot of northerns muskies and smallmouth just get pitched back in the lake for gull food!! TELL ME THATS FAIR AND IS IN THE TREATY?

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