I just sent the email below to the MNDNR general question email addy. I will post their response when I get it.
Can someone please explain how the netters have the right to take over a public access with fish processing stations for days at a time?
Please also explain how the netters are allowed to camp next to no camping signs at public landings for multiple nights.
While you’re at it, please let me know why there are unattended nets on the east side. These nets were set on Saturday and have still not been checked. Will the dead and rotting fish in these nets count against the netters quota? Will you pro-rate the wasted fish against their quota from the nets that were lost due to ice shifting from shore to shore last week? (Like it is done for hooking mortality)
These are legitimate questions and have nothing to do with the treaty. (Which I know you have no control over)
Then, please let me know how much the fines would be if I did the acts above.
How much is the fine and or jail time for:
– Wanton waste of 6,000 to 20,000lbs of walleyes, northern pike, musky, perch….well I guess just let me know on the walleyes, that will make it easier.
– Driving my RV into a public access and camping for 2 nights.
– Erecting a tent to provide a service or saleable items at a public access. (with no permit or permission)
– For ease of math, say, 2,000 unattended tips ups or bobbers, for a 48 hour period.
Thank you,
Adam Laidlaw