How much snow?

  • 140-zuki
    Cokato, MN
    Posts: 114

    Hey how much snow on the lake. Will be up there in 2 weeks for a long weekend. Thanks Ben.

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    I am up here right now and they got 10-12 inches on Thursday night and another 4-6 on Friday night. There is about 26-30″ on the ground. You are not going anywhere on the lake unless there is a plowed road or you have a snowmobile.
    I tried going out to the house with the wheeler and after the 5th time getting stuck I decide that fishing could wait until next weekend when the sleds are here.

    Cokato, MN
    Posts: 114

    Hey thanks for the report. It doesn’t sound good. How much slush is there to deal with than?

    Walker, Mn.
    Posts: 611

    As of yesterday the walker bay area had alot of slush the access I use had water on the ice was able to plow a road to my house after the snow you will need a snowmobile now until it freezes. -18 this morning that may help. Going out later to check things out

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    Depends on the area. It varied from a few inches to over 8 inches of slush in the spots we checked in agency narrows. As you got out on the ice the snow depths were only about 15-20 inches. I am sure with all the wind it will be deeper in spots.

    Cokato, MN
    Posts: 114

    Gonna be Mille Lacs instead. Thanks for your info.

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