3/16 is on the move. We need your help. We have two major events we are inviting you and all your
fishing and hunting friends to. ALL sportsmen and women should attend.
Friday February 6 11:00 AM
State Office Building
Conference Room across from Secretary of State’s Office
Former Senator Bob Lessard has organized a major media event you are all invited to. He would like
the room packed. Lessard has lined up a who’s who list of famous sports personalities to attend and
speak at the press conference. All fishing and hunting sporting groups are invited and will also attend.
The purpose is to get the media and legislature to focus on dedicated funding ( Constitutional
Amendment) for game and fish. We will have our 3/16 ugly green buttons to pass out.
Those attending are:
Irwin Jacobs, Kent Herbeck, Bud Grant, Babe Wickleman, Gary Roach, Al Linder, Bob Lessard,
Infisherman, Galyan’s, Cabela’s, Gander Mountain, Joe’s Sporting Goods, Reeds and the tackle
companies. This is a big event. Bring your friends and come.
Senate Majority Leader Dean Johnson
Tuesday February 10 7:00 PM
Wood Lake Nature Center
6710 Lake Shore Drive (35W & 66th St)
Richfield, MN 55423
You are invited along with all your friends. Senator Johnson supports 3/16
Dean is the second most important and powerful person in Minnesota politics.
His election a few weeks ago as Senate Majority Leader was the most important event to happen in
Minnesota this year. Come and meet Senator Johnson. Please bring your friends.