Fished Leech at 630 Am with Gregory and his wife Gail left from Stoney Pt.
Hit three spots before our first over the slot fish. I dont fish a spot over 30 minutes when its a no bite I move.
Moved to three other spots 11ft to 12ft slow trolling a lindy with a crawler, number 8 hook in glow white with a 8ft leader and a crawler to match the hatch of may flies . Tons of may Flies now. Fifth spot Left with six nice fish and released many slot fish. The bite is still good on Leech .
Fished wed up by Fed. dam. one nice 28″ eye and a 26″ fish
The best presentation now is a long lindy and crawler or leech the minnow bite is done for me. We also caught fish on a short spinner rig and crawler silver blade,I have been doing a little trolling with cranks nothing going yet water needs to warm more.
Good Luck