Awesome perch today on leech Pics

  • fishnutbob
    Walker, Mn.
    Posts: 611

    Was able to get on Leech early today in search of a good perch bite. After three or four spots we found a large school of perch 9″ to 13.” From 11 am to 4pm we had steady action, it slowed a little around 4pm.

    Today we fished in about 18ft with minnows on spoons red glow sppons red glow genz worm with wax worms and spoons with minnow heads. They had the feed bag on. I traveled the lake in my truck again but by the end of the week Ill be using the wheeler to be safe.

    The group ended up with about 70 perch, and one of the little gals got a jumbo perch. It was a good day on Leech the perch are starting to go big time

    Bob Gordon
    Posts: 606

    Nice fish and pictures !!

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