Leech Report Memorial Weekend

  • walleyeben
    Posts: 963

    It had been well over a year since my last trip to Leech, to say I was excited was an understatement, to say she met my expectations was also an understatement!

    Arriving at the lake about 7:30 Thursday we started bounceing to spots trying to locate a decent pod of fish before the sun went down. After hitting a couple spots we landed on a good pod of bigger fish and decided to set up shop for the evening crank bite. Conditions could not have been more optimal for a great outing, no wind, HUGE moon and ample amounts of post spawn walleyes! from about 8pm to 1am we boated a conservative 20+ walleyes. Best cranks were the Oringinal Rapala Floater(black back, silver sides) and #5 Rapala Shallow Shads in hot steal and firetiger. Ran in any where from 4 to 8 f.o.w. on sand/ rock shorelines.

    Friday we got a late start and hit the water about noon and fished til 7. The bite was tuffer until dark, but that said we caught walleyes at evey spot we tried, just simply a weird bite, we went through a pile of bait, just couldnt keepem hooked up or to take it in far enough to get a hook in them. Wind blown areas from 4 to 14 ft is where the fish were holding. Towards dark we hit a spot closer to the narrows on our way back to the truck, man did that last stop pay off, we doubled our catch rates and put us in the mid 20s numbers wise. Bait of the day was a 3/16ths white fireball and a smaller minnow.

    Saturday was the last day and after Friday nights festivitys I wasnt in any hurry to get moving. We tried for some slabs on a local lake but success was limited. Got on Leech about 5 and was rewarded almost instantly we had about 50 to 60 shinners and a scoop of fatheads. Working a wind blown point trying to stay outta the crowd we were able to boat over 40 fish in under 4 hours, it was an absolutle gong show. Mutliple doubles, even a triple. At one point everybody in the boat had gone over 4 casts in row with fish boat every cast. It was a blast, spot locked and pitching was the method white and firetiger jigs were the ticket. There is no doubt in my mind that we doubled our catch rates using spot lock, being able to hold hands free in the wind is almost as priceless as not having to deal with an ancor!

    Water Clarity was about 4ft on the windy shorelines. Temps were 51 to 55. Best depths was under 8ft if the wind was going.

    The fish didnt really seem to show a bait preference but your canence sure did, some pods wanted to snapped, some wanted it held and others wanted it slid. Lots of great fish ing the system, we caught eyes from 7 to 27 although id say the average lenght was close to 20 or 22. Great time to hit the lake. I make the guys who travel with me to do the same and I urge you to also. Dont load up on food and supplies at Walmart before heading north. Save your money and spend it up north these economies are driven by fishermen and tourism, they need our support. If you loving going there do your small part to ensure that the traditions can continue!

    Posts: 3681

    Good report Ben,sounds like time well spent.

    Posts: 154

    Good report and good advice supporting the local economy.
    Its a lot like buying american if you can,supporting your local country.

    Wright County Area
    Posts: 132

    Good report sounds like you got into em!!! Its interesting how the pods of fish can very so much, last week we were marking many fish but could not get them to go! Hopefully that will change the next time I am up! I agree with you about spotlock, its probably one of my most productive features when needed!!!

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