Saylorvile Lake

  • james
    Ankeny Iowa
    Posts: 290

    Well went to the lake today only to find they have pulled the docks at Cherry Glen did find one at Sandpipper still in the water but don’t know how long it will last. It seems strange to pull them this early . I hope we have open water for another month. Went to BC and put in there. Water temp is 46 in the north end and 49 down by the dam. Could not mark any fish to work so did not stay long but did have the lake all to myself. Will be back out Mon. hope to have better luck then. Boy I hate to put in without a dock but don’t have a choise now I guess. I have an open seat just about everyday if interested e-mail me. Jim

    Grimes, Iowa
    Posts: 170

    James, once the docks are gone, I usually put in at the West end of the Mile Long bridge. The shore along the south of the boat ramp is deep enough to pull your boat up on the sand and gravel. It can be tough if the wind is blowing as it is unprotected. I may try and get out this weekend. Let me know if your going and maybe we can hook-up.

    Ankeny Iowa
    Posts: 290

    Steve I put in at Sandpipper now . It is protected from the wind also. It is real shallow but still has a dock. If you use it be careful because there is some steel sticking out beside the dock under the water. Some guy tore the side of his tire out on it this summer. That dock has outrigers on it so stay our about two feet from the edge of the dock. You can see them down there. Hope to get out this weekend also. See you on the water Jim

    Grimes, Iowa
    Posts: 170

    Did you make it out yesterday? Do you fish Big Creek at all? I would think the Crappies are going nuts. I may take a day off next week, would you want to get out on the water?

    Ankeny Iowa
    Posts: 290

    Steve I fish just about any open water I can. I fish BC and Saylorvile because they are close. What is nice now is that very few are on the water. Many days I’m the only one out there.If you want to get together and wet a line I’m all for it. Just let me know when and where . Your boat or mine. With no docks in it is nice to have someone else along. Makes things a lot easier and fun. Maybe we can learn from each other and swap lies. Do you still have my cell no# or home no# ? Jim

    Grimes, Iowa
    Posts: 170

    Should I have your phone #s. What is your last name?

    Ankeny Iowa
    Posts: 290

    I sent you a PM. No# is there. if not e-mail me . Jim

    Des Moines, IA
    Posts: 199

    Hi James,

    Its probably worth noting that ALL the public docks are out now, including Sandpiper.


    Ankeny Iowa
    Posts: 290

    Hello Dave glad to see you here. Welcome aboard. Jim

    Grimes, Iowa
    Posts: 170

    I must have deleted it. Send phone #’s again please. I did make it out to the river below the spillway on Thursday. Only caught one small walleye but I sure had fun with the buffalo carp. They were smacking jigs like crazy. Lot’s of big ones too.

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