Macbride 10/10/2003

  • Gianni
    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Fished Macbride last night from just after dark until about 9. Fishing was sloooooooooooooow, with only one fish coming into the boat all night – but it was my first keeper sized walleye from that lake. Looks like all those 11″ fish from last year are now hitting that 14-16″ range.

    Didn’t catch a single crappie, but then I didn’t change up much. Started out trolling cranks on the new rock reefs and rockpiles, but there’s just too many leaves in the water to do this for long. Switched to jig-n-minnow on rock points, which turned out to be bogus, so I hit some wood looking for crappies and ended up with the only fish of the evening. Water temp is mid-60’s.

    Hiawatha, Iowa
    Posts: 235

    I think the crappie fishing is picking up at Mcbride as a very good source Is probably cleaning fish as I type. He said 35 specks 9 to 10 inches. The fish were pretty thick as if feeding well lately {John}

    eastern iowa.
    Posts: 185

    looking for some good news if any for mcbride or coralville crappies. want to give it a shot this thurs. the 23rd. going with a first timer to either lake. looks like the only good day weather wise this weekend. have the crappies moved into the bays or still in their summer deep mode. any info would be great………thankyou

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Last I was down there I couldn’t find a crappie to save my butt. I think that the afternoon would be the ticket if you’re looking for that bite to be a little better.

    In the morning, I was finding the whitebass on cranks in the coralville bays with sunshine warming the water. They provided enough action to keep me interested.

    eastern iowa.
    Posts: 185

    i would like to add my 6cents on mcbride’s crappie fishing. went there yesterday with someone who had never been there. we fished several great looking areas. must have been close to 40boats there. some fishing shallow and some deep. to say it was slow, for sure. we talked with two locals from CR. they had several crappies. sorry to say we never saw a 10″crappie in their basket. everyone saying that the 8″ is common. same with another boat. to me that isn’t acceptable that small.the only place they were catching anything was on the sunken bridge. some would leave and then they would return. course they said it was much better the day before. story of my life don’t ya know. next time i would like to try coralville for crappies. i just wanted to share what we found and i’m sure there might be someone who found the bigger slabs……

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