E.F. Des Moines River

  • kirk moe
    Posts: 137

    My daughter and I fished the Des Moines River on Friday.

    The fishing wasn’t as hot as the weekend before but it was a beautiful day to spend with her.

    We targeted two spots on the river that usually hold fish in the fall. Both spots would have produced fish but it seemed to be one of those days I could not land’em.

    My daughter slip bobbered with her Dora Pole, while I switched between casting a K Grub and a Phelps Floater with a chub. She had one fish on but lost it at shore. I was waiting for a 10lbs hog to latch on and yank the pole out of her hand……

    After losing several fish myself I finally landed this 12”. Glad I caught it when I did fore Olivia was getting impatience with me.

    It made her day to release the fish.

    I wish I could have gotten out to hit the river harder to see if I could get another pig but to spend a day with my daughter is worth more than a million pigs……..

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001


    I with I could have gotten out to hit the river hard to see if I could get another pig but to spend a day with my daughter is worth more than a million pigs……..

    You know that’s the truth. Sounds like you two had a great day…even if the fish weren’t cooperating. Sometimes the fish are just a bonus.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Memories were made and will be remembered for a lifetime. The smile on her face says ALOT.
    Thanks, Bill

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    That is awesome Moe!!!!

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853



    I with I could have gotten out to hit the river hard to see if I could get another pig but to spend a day with my daughter is worth more than a million pigs……..

    You know that’s the truth. Sounds like you two had a great day…even if the fish weren’t cooperating. Sometimes the fish are just a bonus.


    nora springs ia floyd
    Posts: 518

    I reccon that young lady lady will be in your boat kicking my tail in them tournys in a couple years.Very special times you got there Moe

    Posts: 26

    nice pic moe it was fun fishing this past weekend….looks like we might be on some hard water soon!!!! cant wait

    kirk moe
    Posts: 137

    Thanks alot guys. It was a wonderful day and one I will remember forever.
    For those going to Ryan’s tourney look out my daughter is a gill master….. Hope the weather cooperates so she can prefish with me on Sat.

    Joe, I hope she’s still a tomboy in a few yrs fishing a tourney with her would be awesome.

    Rhode Island
    Posts: 11

    Yup! That is a great picture Kirk!

    I remember taking you and your brother when you both where young. My dad would take me fishing in the rivers and lakes around Algona when I was young and treasure the memories…

    Love you all!


    Posts: 26

    moe dad told me smith lake looked like i was getting close to fish which means the wit pits are prolly really close you better be ready to fish next weekend

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