
  • Anonymous

    I finally got to go Ice fishin’ for the first time this season. It was mighty windy but was still great to get out. Fished with Big B on a farm pond, About 5 in. of ice. Caught a few gill and B got some green carp. A few more cold nights and the lakes should be safer. Hope everybody has good luck when they go out, But safety is the main thing. Please post about conditions and what you are catching so others can enjoy the sport more.


    Lots & Lots of guys on MacBride yesterday afternoon – including me. Safe ice runs along the west bank about 30-40 yards out from shore from the power lines up around the bend and into the cove. Saturday there was a skim under the power lines and 3/4 of the lake was open, so be careful if you venture where you don’t see holes already drilled.

    Sunday morning someone must have gotten brave and ventured across where the power lines are, as there were several holes spanning the lake. I would guess that by tomorrow, the whole lake will be safe. Be especially safe under the power lines, as the water is 30+ feet and there is some amount of current through there.

    On to the fishing – didn’t see anyone in danger of actually catching anything. One fella would deliver a hookset from hell about every fifteen or twenty seconds, but came up empty every time. The flasher showed the typical MacBride picture – fish moving along the bottom (usually cats, eyes, and gills), and every once and a while a flurry of marks between 12 and 16 feet (crappies moving through). Failed to connect with a single fish, but got out of the house and that’s the important thing.

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