got out to volga today

  • JonathanTegeler
    Manchester, Iowa
    Posts: 127

    Hey, i got out to volga today with my dad, we took the boat up but didnt end up putting it in, the dock was all but under water. So i decided to fish along the rocky shores, i made a few cast twords the dock and a few ast later i had one on. I got him right next to shore and all but had him lipped when he broke off, im guessing he was about 13″. So i tied on agaon and casted back. after about 10 cast i got another on, this time i landed him he was around 15-16″. I made a few more cast in that area befor i decided to move. I moved just to the right side of the docks casting along the rocks, first cast i had one on! this one was about 12-13″ so i thought i might have found a good spot lol. i made some more cast and i was all but in when i saw a bass come up from behind and take it and run off with my spinner. i landed him and it was another 12″. After this it slowed down and i decided to call it a day. in the end i had 4 fish and a fun day

    Dundee, Iowa
    Posts: 479

    nice job bud. kinda sucks about the ramp, you guys need to put that boat in the water soon! got your self some fish, did better than me when i was up there. i did have one about 16 off a nice lay down log, other than that just little ones on my panfish rod

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