Any of you guys ever fished Holiday?

  • awnyerneas
    Posts: 5

    Just wondering what the expereinces were. The fam has a cabin there but iv never fished it.

    Dysart, IA
    Posts: 595

    I’ve fished it once from the dock at my girlfriends uncles cabin. We pretty much just sight fished a couple bass and some bluegill that were hanging around the boat lift while the others were out for a boat ride. We used small jigs with a power grub on it to catch those, because i didnt think to buy any live bait beforehand. I would have prefered to use live, but we made artificial work or us. The only place I know of with a descent brush pile is in a location where you’ll get run over by the big boats, but there are several around the lake. I’ve seen other people fish in the finger where the cabin is, but never seen anyone be real productive.
    Give it a try cause no matter what, it beats working.

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 380

    Yes. The lake has monster gils in it along with a bunch of other good fish. I have had some real fun days down there while at my uncles place. I always go on weekdays so the boating isnt a problem then. The lake isnt that big and they put a lot of speed boaters out on it so if the weekend is you only chance to fish it make sure you hit it real early in the morning. The crappies fishing is decent too but my uncle doesnt fish crappies so we didnt do much of that. Also have hooked into some decent bass. For gils we bot trolled slowly and fan casted out jigs. Once you can locate them you can have on heck of a day. Best of luck.

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