Pine Lake

  • skippy783
    Dysart, IA
    Posts: 595

    Tonight my girlfriend and I went fishing at Pine Lake. We managed to get about a dozen or so small gills and that was it for the night. We probably could have gotten into a little bit larger fish had we gotten to the lake sooner and walked farther down the shore, but we didnt want to carry our gear too far since we werent going to be out for too long. Even though the fish were small, we had a great time just being at the lake spending time together.

    ps: It was her idea to go fishing in the first place

    Ames, Iowa
    Posts: 13

    i did that same thing a few weeks ago with my girlfriend. We barbequed at one of those stops on lower pine along the trail. Got her hooked on fishing now too. Also picked up nothin but gills (they sure did taste good though)

    You ever fish the river around there? I fished the Iowa north of marshalltown last night and picked up 6 channel cats, 2 of which were nice and thick 20″ers. Would love to pull in a few cats and maybe a bonus walleye or pike up there.

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 309

    The river has some nice fish in it. There are walleyes, whites, smallies and I’m sure catfish. I used to fish the Steamboat Rock area pretty hard. Caught my biggest walleye of the year there one year and I went to Canada that year too.

    Dysart, IA
    Posts: 595

    I don’t know that area very well, so I was wondering where an easy spot to get to the river is at? I’d like to go fish there some night but I don’t know of any spots to get to the river.

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 309

    Steamboat Rock has a nice little dam that holds fish. Just park on the West side and walk down. You should be able to wade across with no problem. Bass, cats, whites and walleyes can be expected. I’ve even seen people catching gills in the slack water. There is also a park you should be able to drive into now just south of Steamboat. There’s some rocky rip rap there that looks good. I’ve never caught anything there though. Some people fish where the outlet creek runs into the river from Lower Pine. With the high water earlier in the year there may be enough of a hole there to hold some fish. Good luck.

    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1141

    Save your breath, or in this case your fingers. Directions do Skippy no good. He can’t find his way out of a phone booth.

    Dysart, IA
    Posts: 595

    I have you to blame for my lack of geography skills….I mean…you are my “mentor” and all so you shoulda teached me that.

    State Center, Iowa
    Posts: 330

    Skippy: Bigesox mention Steamboat Rocks dam and park. Their is a nice little lake in that park that you wouldn,t know was their. Go past the dam and clear through the camp area to as far North as you can go. Theirs a parking lot that dead ends. Walk up to the top side of the hill which is the back of a dam and walla. Nice lake with a variety of pretty good fish.

    Dysart, IA
    Posts: 595

    Thanks for the info on the lake. Hopefully I can find time in the next couple weeks to try it out.

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