Well, as most of you know, I am transplant to the Midwest. Back in Maryland, for the most part, we did not have ‘eyes and saugers like you do here in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
So, I have been taking my new home in and learning to fish like the locals. I say solo because I actually caught my first ‘eyes and saugers with ecnook, but this is the first time with my tackle and my boat. It all came together tonight at Pleasant Creek lake. I trolled a JSR-5 fire tiger along a weedline and caught a fat, 3# 19″ eye just as the sun was slippin’ below the horizon. Many of you probably do that routinely and have probabaly caught much bigger fish, but for me at that moment, it could have been a blue marlin.
I will be turning 31 in about a week, but when we netted the fish and brought it into the boat, I felt like I was 8 years old again. It was even better because my son reeled the fish part ways in and shared the excitement.
I attribute this success to what I have learned from the excellent posts on this site (and some others!) as well as some time on the water with ecnook up in pool 9 about 2 weeks ago. This is proof that some of this stuff is starting to sink into my thick skull…
Joe Jiacinto