In reply to fishkiller, I have seen the Game and Fish this weekend going down the road north of Minnewaukan asking everybody for their liscences and not singling out any one group of people.
I attended a meeting of the Lake Region Anglers a year or so ago when a member of the Hgmong community from St Paul spoke about her cultures thoughts toward fishing and game plus the aspects of extended families and subsitsence.
White bass resemeble a fish from back home and is revered among the Hgmong here in the US.
What gets most peoples goats is that there is a belief that these are going for commercial sale and not to feed extended families. Fishing for food is still an important part of fishing. Fishing for sale is taboo.
I suspect that traveling 450 miles in new vehicles is not fishing for subsistaence but rather for pleasure. I can see the pleasure in your girlfriends face.
Personally I feel a great deal of respect for the Hgmong people for the assistance they provided the US in Viet Nam. I feel we as US citezens owe them a great deal and did them a great diservice by leaving them behind. It is about time more have an opurtunity to obtain safety and a chance for a good life in our country.
As we welcome them into our country, they will be assimilated eventually into the great melting pot as generations grow up here. Those coming over in the recent days will be shocked to see the bounty this country provides. After living in refugee camps for all their life or the crowded living condotions in SE Asia, it will be tempting exploit.
I sincerly hope that you will come back to my area. Both sides need to understand each other.
And by the way…McDonalds just re-opened after the fire from a year ago.