
  • Sharon
    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Sharon M wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Weekender wrote:</div>
    these guys were down in Mexico shooting redheads.

    shock shock

    Redhead Lives Matter!!

    rotflol rotflol I agree! Although we might be going extinct from the sounds of it.

    Posts: 756

    If the main reason for the September opener is simply to shoot BWT and woodies, I call BS. There are TONS of woodies and teal around in October. I’ve never understood that argument.

    100 years of refuge counts, banding data, bag/hunter surveys, and aerial surveys saying BW teal and wood ducks leave MN in significant numbers by early october vs your observation that there is “tons” around.

    There’s a reason MN wants that september opener, and that’s to put the most hunters in the field with the best chance at shooting ducks. BW teal are already migrating right now. We can all argue our opinions on whether the splits and current framework is working or not, but you can’t refute the fact that by early october, the state has lost resident birds. The compromise would be allowing a teal season, but MN will never get it as long as hunters annually mistake pelicans and swans for snows, black angus bulls for deer, and cormorants for black ducks.

    Southcentral MN
    Posts: 436

    Just speaking for myself, but I don’t shoot them anymore only because they don’t have much meat on them. It’s some of the best duck to eat, but I just don’t shoot them. Same with buffleheads.

    Posts: 4483

    Teal is the best duck to eat cause its so small by the time you realize how gross it is its already gone.

    Southcentral MN
    Posts: 436


    We’re big fans of diver ducks, but my neighbor won’t even touch them. For him it’s mallards or nothing.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18991

    We’re big fans of diver ducks, but my neighbor won’t even touch them. For him it’s mallards or nothing.

    I won’t eat the divers either. Luckily I don’t encounter many of them on small ponds.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4389

    Teal is the best duck to eat cause its so small by the time you realize how gross it is its already gone.[/quote

    rotflol rotflol doah

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