Frostbite Co Rods

  • Craig Kilber
    Posts: 40

    Has anyone used a Frostbite rod yet? I am looking at the Mavotaur XL for Lake Winnipeg but I am unable to find any reviews on them. I am deciding between that and the JT Customs Black Reign. Any input would be helpful.


    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22016

    The black reign will be hard to beat no matter what. But I was also interested in the frost bite rods. They are made by a very good rod maker so I’m assuming that they are nice

    Craig Kilber
    Posts: 40

    The black reign will be hard to beat no matter what. But I was also interested in the frost bite rods. They are made by a very good rod maker so I’m assuming that they are nice

    Are the Frostbite rods made by Thorne Bros?

    Posts: 4523

    Craig, If you can not find anything, I have a 100% carbon Lake Winnipeg blank I can build a real nice rod for your trip for around $80. PM me if you want more info.


    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22016

    No della ray builds their custom line of rods

    Jeff Telander
    Posts: 125

    I’d also be happy to build you a rod. I think if you went with Bigcrappie, myself, or anyone else who builds rods on this site you’d be very pleased with what you’d get for your $$. I personally build most of my rods on Thorne brothers blanks. If you want a truly custom fishing rod, i think it’s the way to go.

    Posts: 12

    Frostbite rods (including the Mavataur XL) were built by Della Bay Custom Rods last season.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    I’d much rather support the local rod builders in the area than give Mr Peric my hard earned money. I also hear from more and more people in the industry who are less than pleased with the way he conducts his business.

    Posts: 542

    On one hand, I would love to support Aaron Wiebe, that guy is legit. On the other hand, I can’t stand that Peric kid, he drives me nuts. Not idea how those two got teamed up. I’d support a local rod builder too.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    On one hand, I would love to support Aaron Wiebe, that guy is legit. On the other hand, I can’t stand that Peric kid, he drives me nuts. Not idea how those two got teamed up. I’d support a local rod builder too.

    Agreed. I like the other guys and sounds like they are all solid individuals. Peric is the outlier.

    South West Michigan
    Posts: 86

    On one hand, I would love to support Aaron Wiebe, that guy is legit. On the other hand, I can’t stand that Peric kid, he drives me nuts. Not idea how those two got teamed up. I’d support a local rod builder too.

    X2. Love uncut angling. cant stand Peric

    Posts: 138

    Anything but supporting Peric….

    Posts: 1806

    Peric is certainly annoying and I’m not going to purchase anything from Frostbite, but I do have some respect for the business he has built for himself.

    Posts: 119

    I just want their tantrum rattle bait in craw color. Sold out tho.

    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1344

    I would really like to see these rods in person and compare them to JT, TUCR, and others that are actually customs.

    Not implying that I do or do not like peric here but what are some reasons for not liking him? I’m simply curious to hear opinions.

    Posts: 5305

    Annoying AF. Best exemplifies your typical all about the show YouTuber. Camera this camera that, huge fish, huge!!!! This fight is epic!!! Omfg this is freaking unbelievable!!!

    Watched one show him and Aaron did, catching lake trout shallow or something, can’t recall right now, only got through half the video and had to turn off. Too bad really bc the setting and fishing was amazing. Haven’t watched any since.

    Posts: 181

    I just won’t watch the googans period. There are too many good fishermen out there like Aaron, JM, TR, the Lindners, Angling Buzz, IDO, etc. on youtube to waste my time. When I’m out for a laugh, or just want to reminisce over the Brainerd Lakes area, I will pop on some Fishnmore with Murray, and Nick.

    Ryan Wilson
    Posts: 335

    This thread pretty much sums it up. Doesn’t matter what your product is if you’re a basswhole. Having said that, TUCR has my rod money and it has always been well spent.

    Also having said that, I just don’t see Googan/Frostbite products being anything I can’t get from at least half a dozen other manufacturers. If they approached the business with innovation rather than regurgitation, they might have something going for them. What they do have going for them, however, is an entirely different demographical generation of viewers and customers and I don’t see them losing that anytime soon. Just catching a fish is enough anymore and they need the theatrics. Nothing wrong with that I suppose. I guess we will know if they’re right if we’re still talking about them 15 years from now.

    Posts: 527

    This thread pretty much sums it up. Doesn’t matter what your product is if you’re a basswhole. Having said that, TUCR has my rod money and it has always been well spent.

    Also having said that, I just don’t see Googan/Frostbite products being anything I can’t get from at least half a dozen other manufacturers. If they approached the business with innovation rather than regurgitation, they might have something going for them. What they do have going for them, however, is an entirely different demographical generation of viewers and customers and I don’t see them losing that anytime soon. Just catching a fish is enough anymore and they need the theatrics. Nothing wrong with that I suppose. I guess we will know if they’re right if we’re still talking about them 15 years from now.

    The googan squad guys are insufferable. Props to them for making a pile of money though.

    Gary FOX
    Posts: 11

    Go with the jt you wont be disappointed. Have 4 jts in my arsenal

    Dan Baker
    Posts: 955

    I actually really like Lake Fork Guy and to a lesser extent Lunkers. The rest are a lot harder to stomach.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    I actually really like Lake Fork Guy and to a lesser extent Lunkers. The rest are a lot harder to stomach.

    Same here. I watched LFG before any of them, however he’s nowhere near as good as he used to be since joining the googans. A shame really. As much as I don’t like them, their products will last and here’s why. The youtube fishing movement that these guys created has the future of fishing directly tied to it. The people that buy their products are their viewers which are mainly young anglers who got into fishing because they watched these guys on youtube.

    As I said, I don’t care for most of them, but you can’t deny that they may have grown the sport of fishing exponentially for the next generation.

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    As much as I don’t like them, their products will last and here’s why. The youtube fishing movement that these guys created has the future of fishing directly tied to it.

    If the future of my favorite sport is tied to this, we’re totally screwed.

    I don’t doubt monetized social based media junk will continue to impact our sport. Kinda sucks. I personally feel the vast majority of the youtube-esque media will only be found to hurt on a whole. People who don’t partake will always point and look.

    The tradition must be passed by family and friends. Fishing and hunting absolutely must be a LEGACY issue, otherwise the masses will dictate by Pigouvian means.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1524

    I have watched this topic for a few days without weighing in, as I was taught it is better to say nothing at all than something negative

    What I have learned is, it is better to let others try new products and provide honest reviews (over time, not the first day the product is out) and make educated decisions.

    That being said, if the Frostbite rods get good reviews over the next year or 2 (comparable to TUCR or JT or DH), then I would consider it, but only after having seen/handled one at an ice show first. I dont fall for the clickbait stuff on youtube telling me what I need to catch fish

    Posts: 193

    Another option to look at is Mad Duck rods. They have a totally different handle seems kinda funny but is way more comfortable to hold.

    South West Michigan
    Posts: 86

    I just won’t watch the googans period. There are too many good fishermen out there like Aaron, JM, TR, the Lindners, Angling Buzz, IDO, etc. on youtube to waste my time. When I’m out for a laugh, or just want to reminisce over the Brainerd Lakes area, I will pop on some Fishnmore with Murray, and Nick.

    I also like Jay Siemens and Tom Boley

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