Friday’s attempt to be happy

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Seems the winter blues are hitting some pretty bad, nightly news just paints an uglier picture, and we all have life circumstances that draw us into being less tolerant. I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of private responses I received when I posted “words of encouragement “ and it had a positive impact on their day. As I read things that strike me as a positive step in a stressful day, figured Ild share and hopefully give a hand up in someone else’s day.

    Other people aren’t your competition. They are proof that you can do it too, and I know that you will inspire others with your achievements one day.

    We encountered four deaths in our family/extended family in a 24 hour period of time. To make matters worse, a friend was told his cancer has spread to his brain and nothing they can do. He has maybe 30 to 90 days.

    2022 has been brutal for me in so many ways. Every time I feel like I’ve taken a step forward, I’m hit head on and driven backwards. But I continue to address each day with enthusiasm so that I may get closer to achieving my goals

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    Thanks for sharing Randy. I hope you know how much you are appreciated around here. I also respect that your posts are well thought out and usually very helpful. Stay strong Randy, as I have mentioned before feel free to reach out if you need to talk.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Thanks for sharing Randy. I hope you know how much you are appreciated around here. I also respect that your posts are well thought out and usually very helpful. Stay strong Randy, as I have mentioned before feel free to reach out if you need to talk.

    Thanks John. What I need is to be fishing at about 9,400 feet up in the mountains and watching a herd of big horns or elk strolling by peace

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    What I need is to be fishing at about 9,400 feet up in the mountains and watching a herd of big horns or elk strolling by

    Yep, we could all use that!

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>John Rasmussen wrote:</div>
    Thanks for sharing Randy. I hope you know how much you are appreciated around here. I also respect that your posts are well thought out and usually very helpful. Stay strong Randy, as I have mentioned before feel free to reach out if you need to talk.

    Thanks John. What I need is to be fishing at about 9,400 feet up in the mountains and watching a herd of big horns or elk strolling by peace

    Randy, you put a smile on my face last week, when you posted on the non-res license thread, about what you spend to pursue your hobbies. And you wondered why potential employer’s asked you about how much time off you’d need,,,,,

    Happy Friday, HRG

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Randy Wieland wrote:</div>
    What I need is to be fishing at about 9,400 feet up in the mountains and watching a herd of big horns or elk strolling by

    Yep, we could all use that!

    Heck no, I need to have the place to myself!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    And you wondered why potential employer’s asked you about how much time off you’d need,,,,,

    Happy Friday, HRG

    whats a reasonable expectation for mental recovery time when you have 37 years of experience? My real problem with being hired by anyone is the fact I am way over qualified and 99.9% of business owners are afraid to surround themselves with the best in the industry

    Mike Oleson
    Posts: 53

    Pulling for you, Randy..
    Here’s something that made me chuckle…hope you too…

    Letter from Kentucky Dept. Of Fish & Wildlife:
    Dear Landowner:
    KDFWR Staff will be conducting surveys for foothill yellow-legged frogs & other amphibians over the next few months. As part of this research we would like to survey the creek on your property. I am writing this letter to request your permission to access your property.
    Recent research indicates that foothill yellow-legged frogs have declined significantly in recent years and are no longer found at half their historic sites. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated and will help contribute to the conservation of this important species.
    Please fill out the attached postage-paid postcard and let us know if you are willing to let us cross your property or not.
    If you have any concerns about this project please give us a call. We would love to talk with you about our research.
    Steve Niemela
    Conservation Strategy Implementation Biologist
    ***************************** ******************************
    ****************************** *****************************
    Dear Mr. Niemela:
    Thank you for your inquiry regarding accessing our property to survey for the yellow-legged frog. We may be able to help you out with this matter.
    We have divided our 2.26 acres into 75 equal survey units with a draw tag for each unit. Application fees are only $8.00 per unit after you purchase the “Frog Survey License” ($120.00 resident / $180.00 Non-Resident). You will also need to obtain a “Frog Habitat” parking permit ($10.00 per vehicle).
    You will also need an “Invasive Species” stamp ($15.00 for the first vehicle and $5.00 for each add’l vehicle) You will also want to register at the Check Station to have your vehicle inspected for Non-native plant life prior to entering our property. There is also a Day Use fee, $5.00 per vehicle.
    If you are successful in the Draw you will be notified two weeks in advance so you can make necessary plans and purchase your “Creek Habitat” stamp. ($18.00 Resident / $140.00 Non-Resident).
    Survey units open between 8 am. And 3 PM. But you cannot commence survey until 9 am. And must cease all survey activity by 1 PM.
    Survey Gear can only include a net with a 2″ diameter made of 100% organic cotton netting with no longer than an 18 in handle, non-weighted and no deeper than 6′ from net frame to bottom of net. Handles can only be made of BPA-free plastics or wooden handles.
    After 1 PM. You can use a net with a 3″ diameter if you purchase the “Frog Net Endorsement” ($75.00 Resident / $250 Non-Resident).
    Any frogs captured that are released will need to be released with an approved release device back into the environment unharmed.
    As of June 1, we are offering draw tags for our “Premium Survey” units and application is again only $8.00 per application.

    You will also need to provide evidence of successful completion of “Frog Surveys and Your” comprehensive course on frog identification, safe handling practices, and self-defense strategies for frog attacks.
    This course is offered on-line through an accredited program for a nominal fee of $750.00.
    Please let us know if we can be of assistance to you. Otherwise, we decline your access to our property but appreciate your inquiry.
    Larry & Amanda

    Posts: 3319

    I know your pain Randy. Whenever work, personal issues, etc. would fill my mind with stress and anxiety, jumping in the boat with a pole in my hand would remove all the problems and stress from my mind. Didn’t have to catch anything.
    Keep your head up and lean on your IDO friends when needed.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12246

    Other people aren’t your competition. They are proof that you can do it too, and I know that you will inspire others with your achievements one day.

    This is a great point to reflect on.

    Perspective is really important. Probably more so now than ever, because we have access to so much information, we can easily slide into an echo chamber of only hearing or seeing things that echo our own pre-formed perspective.

    Really try to put yourself into somebody else’s shoes and then see if your problems are really as big and as bad as they seemed before. Got issues at work? Imagine yourself living in Ukraine right now.

    I tell my kids all the time, that no matter what we think our “problems” are, we don’t really have problems. We’re the lucky ones. Almost all of our “problems” are better categorized as either “first world problems” or “expenses we wish we didn’t have”. Yes, of course, there are really times of sadness and turmoil we go through, but when you stop looking at all problems being equal, then we don’t really have nearly as much to weigh us down.

    I heard somebody refer to the US as having become a “third world country”. IMO, everybody should, at least once in their life, go on a mission trip and see what a third-world country REALLY looks and functions like. Yeah, yeah.
    We all think we know–I thought I knew–I’ll tell you right now that a) you have NO idea and b) you’ll never see your “problems” in the same light, ever again.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Grouse, I agree so much on perception. Was told many years ago “perception is reality “ meaning how someone perceived you is what they think and you can’t change that over night. That taught me to see things through others to understand how they see something. Made a big difference in my communication skills

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5719

    Any time you need to talk brother, you have my number. We need to go fishing.


    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8973

    It sure seems that life’s “Ups and Downs” are never divided evenly. When things are rough, it just seems like the next rough thing is staring at you and gaining momentum as it heads your way.

    I don’t know you personally, but see you as someone who has a ton of perspective, knowledge, and experience in your professional and recreational endeavors. Lean on that experience and treat yourself to what you deserve. If that outdoors are what keep you sane and relaxed, take the hunt you’re debating or putting off. Buy that rifle you may want but don’t need. Let the work sit and spend an afternoon in the boat. The shi**y parts of life will always be there. The joyful parts deserve to be front and center at times too.

    Best wishes to you and your family. Thank you for your contributions around here!

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    If snow makes you guys unhappy I suggest getting into snowmobiling. I only have one wish now and that is more snow.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12246

    If snow makes you guys unhappy I suggest getting into snowmobiling. I only have one wish now and that is more snow.

    I thought you were going to say just buy a couple of new snow machines. You’ll never see snow again. At least not within 250 mi of your house.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12446

    Sorry for your losses Randy. I always appreciate your perspective. I had this picture from NZ come up in my fb memories that seemed fitting.

    1. B76CB551-20B7-45D0-92D5-CDEC9F186937.jpeg

    Pequot Lakes
    Posts: 869

    Keep plugging away. I’ve found staying busy and getting some exercise and fresh air helps. Watching the Bassmaster Classic is a sign of good times ahead.

    Posts: 5307

    Turned on the news for about 15min this morning with the morning coffee, between the pumpkin spice creamer and seeing how awful some others have it changes a poor mood pretty quick.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    i hate this time of year and it’s hard to stay occupied waiting for nice weather. i too have been struggling finding my happy place so you are not alone Randy. i have enough hobbies to occupy my time but when i do them, i feel like i am not doing enough of them with the family. it helps to have things to look forward too during the dog days of winter. been raining all day today in SE MN so that adds to the doom and gloom. sometimes i want to check out and leave all the BS behind and do what makes me happy. do what makes you happy stay positive bud.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5999

    Appreciate your honesty, it’s in short supply these days.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    I thought you were going to say just buy a couple of new snow machines. You’ll never see snow again. At least not within 250 mi of your house.

    We’ll see it again. Probably not enough this year to get out but there’s always next year. Until there isn’t.

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