<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>grubson wrote:</div>
My advice to you guys who are offended or grossed out, watch your own bobber.Found the litterer!
Knowing him personally, you couldn’t be any more wrong. Sad judgement though !!!
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Friday rant – Cigarette smokers
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>grubson wrote:</div>
My advice to you guys who are offended or grossed out, watch your own bobber.Found the litterer!
Knowing him personally, you couldn’t be any more wrong. Sad judgement though !!!
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>grubson wrote:</div>
My advice to you guys who are offended or grossed out, watch your own bobber.Found the litterer!
Careful, you know what happens when you assume.
I’m sure you won’t be surprised to hear that you’re wrong. I bet you hear it a lot. You probably can’t accept that, but you’ll get there someday.
I have always taken care of my butts.
I always had butt cups in the boat and truck or would pocket them until I got home.
I’ve called guys out (both strangers and friends) multiple times for tossing them when I’ve seen it happen.
I’m sure you don’t believe me, that’s fine. I know. In my eyes you’re just that much more of an a** now for making blind accusations and trying shame me because why? We don’t agree politically? I told you to watch your own bobber? Get a life.
when I did smoke I field dressed them and kept the butt until I could trash them properly…
“Field dressed” haha love it.
And that is the way. I have been guilty of throwing them out the window before, but I moved on to using half-full water bottles as a receptacle.
Also, used to dip/chew pretty often—almost exclusively while working or maybe running an errand.
That said, both habits are pretty gross and super bad for your health. Addictive and expensive are the other attributes of tobacco/nicotine use.
I’ve called guys out (both strangers and friends) multiple times for tossing them when I’ve seen it happen.
Ironic. You tell strangers to pick up their butts. But when I make a thread saying I hate when people liter cigarette butts, I should watch my own bobber. Riiiiiight. I love irony. Those are some interesting mental gymnastics there.
Sounds like you should be watching your own bobber also if we’re going by your logic.
Knowing him personally, you couldn’t be any more wrong. Sad judgement though !!!
At least I didn’t tell people they’re “gayer than aids” like a teenager. I honestly didn’t know adults still talked like that.
Here’s a question. Science has proven cigarettes are bad. Chewin’ tobacco too though not as much. The big question, what about nicotine separated from these methods of delivery? From anecdotal observation the fastest growing means of nicotine ingestion is synthetic. The market is flooded with nicotine pouches that contain no tobacco.
Gitchi Gummi-
Ironic? No, your trying to say hypocritical, or possibly contradictive.
Telling someone to not litter is good. Reporting them is better. I guess I thought that was obvious, my mistake. Complaining about how gross someone else’s habit is online is childish.
Shaming someone you don’t know online is beyond childish. You’re just quick with insults and personal attacks because you lack the ability to think of something helpful or intelligent to say. You have no high ground to stand on. You’ve proven that your not worth the time to go back and forth with. You’ll make an argument where you want and ignore what you want and act like you’re superior. All while looking like an ignorant fool. Typical illogical behavior we see a lot from your side though. All to often we see the stereotype being reinforced.
At least I didn’t tell people they’re “gayer than aids” like a teenager. I honestly didn’t know adults still talked like that.
I started smoking in high school. At that age, I thought that I would live forever, so why not? After school I enlisted in the Marine Corps and ended up in Viet Nam. I could buy a carton of cigarettes for $2.00 at Freedom Hill PX. Every day, I didn’t know if I would see tomorrow, so why quit?
After many attempts, I finally quit smoking at age 33. A year later, I was doing a job building a practice green at a local country club. After a year of not smoking, the urge to smoke hit me hard. There were about six employees of the maintenance crew working with me. I asked if any of them had a cigarette. Nobody did, but one guy said that he had some Copenhagen and handed over the can. I took three fingers worth, and in about 10 minutes I was on my hands and knees puking.
I have never used or craved tobacco since then, which was over forty years ago. A little back of the napkin math; I smoked a pack a day, times 365 days a year times 40 years at today’s price let’s say 10 bucks a pack = $146,000.
I started smoking in high school. At that age, I thought that I would live forever, so why not? After school I enlisted in the Marine Corps and ended up in Viet Nam. I could buy a carton of cigarettes for $2.00 at Freedom Hill PX. Every day, I didn’t know if I would see tomorrow, so why quit?
After many attempts, I finally quit smoking at age 33. A year later, I was doing a job building a practice green at a local country club. After a year of not smoking, the urge to smoke hit me hard. There were about six employees of the maintenance crew working with me. I asked if any of them had a cigarette. Nobody did, but one guy said that he had some Copenhagen and handed over the can. I took three fingers worth, and in about 10 minutes I was on my hands and knees puking.
I have never used or craved tobacco since then, which was over forty years ago. A little back of the napkin math; I smoked a pack a day, times 365 days a year times 40 years at today’s price let’s say 10 bucks a pack = $146,000.
Years later my wife worked as a Para legal for the Law firm in Minnesota vs Big Tobacco. I thought at the time as many have that smokers are weak because they can’t quit that one thing that was controlling their life. My wife told me about the documents that were obtained from the Tobacco companies. They were manipulating the chemicals that kept smokers addicted. I feel fortunate that I was able to escape that addiction.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
Knowing him personally, you couldn’t be any more wrong. Sad judgement though !!!At least I didn’t tell people they’re “gayer than aids” like a teenager. I honestly didn’t know adults still talked like that.
Some things are just gayer then aids. Sorry I don’t have that office guy language. I’m a little rougher around the edges.
I’ve called guys out (both strangers and friends) multiple times for tossing them when I’ve seen it happen.
That’s ballsy. I see people do it on occasion and I hate seeing it, but there’s no way I’m approaching a stranger on it. There are so many hot heads out there it just isn’t worth risking an argument with one.
As they say in these situations, I watch my own bobber on this one even though I feel it’s blatantly wrong.
I know everyone has to be younger than I but growing up it was a pretty much natural thing to smoke. Your Mom smoked same as your Dad,Grandpa etc down to your 2nd cousins. It was advertised in magazines and billboards. When I was on the church council and had a meeting the first thing that was done was grab a stack of ashtrays and put them on the tables in the back room. I Think they quit advertising in 1967. Being in the Army at the time it was not a good time to quit and in fact each C ration box had a small pack of 4 I believe cigarettes with the meal and you always tried to get the ones that didn’t smoke their cigs. Anyway things have changed for the better now and I’ll leave it go at that.
Late to the party and I think all the things about cigs have been covered well. Has it been mentioned how utterly disgusting it is to put your chew in the urinal? Not only is it just completely gross, but I have seen it clog them up in areas where a ton of people chew and someone isnt cleaning it out often. I gag every time I see that.
I’m one of those rare light smokers. It started at a young age and then became more of a ritual thing at work as it was the only chance you had to get a break. Working as a manager in restaurant kitchens, if you didn’t smoke, you might as well be prepared to go on a 12+ hour shift with no pause. A pack of heaters will last me 4 days. I don’t smoke in the mornings, or at work and haven’t for years. I have two triggers for smoking and those are fishing and drinking. A couple of darts with the evening cocktails is more habit than addiction. That being said, I’m not one to toss butts around. It’s easy enough to find a way to dispose of them in an ethical manner.
Has it been mentioned how utterly disgusting it is to put your chew in the urinal?
Same with nicotine pouches. There is a garbage 5 feet away typically.
First time I went to the Principals office, she was smoking a dart while threatening to call my mom about a playground fight. Times have achanged for sure!
Cig butts out the car window are the worst. When you are at a stoplight in a left turn only lane and are at the front of the line take a look at the ground. If there hasn’t been a good rainstorm lately the pavement can look like someone emptied their ash tray.
Usually my butts end up in the garbage I collect from the shoreline. Plenty of bait bags, empty tackle packaging and previously mentioned chew bottles to add my garbage to. I’m not perfect though, I’m more addicted to Kickstarts than I am smoking, and have received a few pictures of my empty or even half full can nestled in some rip rap that I missed or forgot.
Vaping is just as bad for your lungs as smoking. My pulmonologist said some of his vaping patients have irreparable lung damage and vaping has only been “big” for about 15 years.
First time I went to the Principals office, she was smoking a dart while threatening to call my mom about a playground fight. Times have achanged for sure!
Funny. The company I work for (now 28 years) when I first started there literally ash trays mounted to walls throughout the building. They have since been removed. LOL
Vaping is just as bad for your lungs as smoking. My pulmonologist said some of his vaping patients have irreparable lung damage and vaping has only been “big” for about 15 years.
I think we will find, some studies are leading that way already, that vaping may actually be worse if that is even possible.
I know everyone has to be younger than I but growing up it was a pretty much natural thing to smoke. Your Mom smoked same as your Dad,Grandpa etc down to your 2nd cousins. It was advertised in magazines and billboards. When I was on the church council and had a meeting the first thing that was done was grab a stack of ashtrays and put them on the tables in the back room.
Man, isn’t that the truth. I think back to the old days when damn near everybody smoked. People say, oh I’d love to go back to whenever. Well, no, you really wouldn’t because all the stuff you forgot about or never knew about, would be back there to make you regret it.
I suppose it was the early 1970s, my mother would host a group of mostly older women to play cards. I would guess back then, 50-60% of women over 40 smoked. My mother never smoked and as a nurse she despised the habit, but back in the day courtesy and manners required things which are now unbelievable to most of us.
Mom used to not only have to allow the ladies to smoke IN OUR HOUSE. Which just in itself is unbelievable now. But it gets better. It was just expected that there be two ashtrays on every card table AND this last one is just the best. Mom used to keep a couple of packs of cigs (I believe they were some “ladies” brand, was it maybe Chesterfields?) in the freezer so they were “fresh” in case one of the ladies forgot hers or ran out. I still cannot believe this one, the very picture of my mother being forced to buy cigarettes just blows my mind.
My dad has a picture of him at college. He was a mathematics guy, so the picture is of him and some college friends in one of the lecture rooms. They would gather there to work on problems together so they could use the large calculating wheels and the big blackboards.
So in this picture, there are ashtrays actually built into each table. And you can see the cigs lying in there burning as well as students in the background actually smoking. Again, just picture it. Firing up a cig in a college lecture room!
I remember visiting dad at his office in the 1970s, and of course the “secretarial pool” back then was all women and most of them except the head secretary were unmarried because once a woman was married it was still expected that she would politely quit and go home. So “the girls” as every man in the office referred to them, would fawn over us kids whenever we visited, but almost every one of them would have a lit cig between their fingers most of the time. The secretarial room was blue with smoke at all times.
The good old days weren’t always so good.
Pall Malls killed my dad deader than a stone.
If you haven’t expierenced the smoking thing go back and binge watch some old time TV shows. The actors smoked and the programs were sponsored by the cigarette companies. Watch the old TV footage of WWII, Korea, Viet Nam. Cigarettes were as common as bullits.
The vapes are hooking kids bad. My wife is a high school teacher. Says they find them everywhere. Kids out of sports constantly because they were caught vaping. Kids leaving class every hour to go to the “bathroom.” They have taken to locking the locker room doors so they can’t vape in there during school hours. Even a bathroom that is in a seldom used hallway is locked. There were a pair of sixth graders that were caught recently high on a weed vape during school hours. Its bad.
I have never smoked a cigarette or weed in my life. I’m not gonna say I didn’t drink some beer during high school but never during school.
I remember the day I started… I mean really started smoking, yeah I smoked one here and there if someone had em… but in Basic Training… 17 years old, the first week. The Drill Sgt would give us a break, every time he would say “smoke em if you got em”. I never had em… so I thought I was missing out on something. Bought my first pack and did that for the next 25 years. Then one day in 2009.. I just stopped smoking. I had quit a million times, but like someone said earlier, its not the act of doing it, but the mentality. For me, it just took me to stop smoking.. I never “quit”. I just don’t do it anymore. I still like a good cigar now and then, but can never go back to smoking ciggys.
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