Friday rant – Cigarette smokers

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  • Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17534

    Hell lets throw chewing tobacco in the mix,spit cups,bottles full of chew spit,YUCK!!

    Bingo & they call smoking gross. lol

    I quit smoking and after 3 months went out and bought my first new boat. It was way under $20,000 but I knew it was either smoke or the boat. I’ve never lit up since the day I quit. Zero regrets.

    Posts: 2075

    The vaping though! God dang! I swear 2/3 of the people I work with don’t set the damn thing down. Almost nobody smokes anymore but everyone vapes and it seems to be accepted.

    Just refer to them as douche flutes . My favorites are the ones that look like a mini iPhone wtf .

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3246

    To all those who’ve kicked the tobacco habits, my hat is off to you and I thank you. applause applause toast

    My Dad has smoked since he was about 15. He’s 68 now. It’s lead to many health issues for him, and they’re only getting worse. I’ve never smoked, instead I hated smoking, especially his, more than most things on this earth. It has been a gigantic barrier between he and I since I was very young. I started not asking him to do things with me, fishing, hunting, golfing, hiking….because I hated being around the cigarettes. We’ve missed out on 40 years of bonding because of it. I know I could’ve just gotten used to it or brushed it aside to enjoy my Dad’s company, but it’s just not possible for me. I’ve always felt like the cigarettes were his best friend and he would choose them over us kids. Every time. It’s beyond personal for me. I’ve watched many close friends and relatives quit, but not Dad.
    I’m spilling these feelings for anyone else who is looking for a reason to quit. The money you save would be good, but the relationships you’d save could be priceless.
    I would honestly go back in time and give my right arm for my Dad to quit when I was young if granted that opportunity.

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 92

    Funny store on cigarette buts. I was 16 and working at local grocery store as a lot attendant. I’m out there one day sweeping and notice a guy take the car ash tray – full of but – and just dump on the ground and then go into the store. An older customer saw this too and “demanded” that I sweep up the mess – and throw it INTO the guys car through an open window!
    I about bust a gut laughing and said no. The guy said he’d do it – give me your broom!!
    Ended up sweeping and disposing of the buts & ash myself.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1435

    When ice fishing in Canada if you come across a pre drilled hole and there is a cigarette next to it you know it was a local fishing there and what do Canadians call cigarettes…

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1891

    Grubson, John, Bearcat, fins. Please accept my apologies if my post offended you. I didn’t mean to personally attack you guys.

    I commend those for quitting. It can’t be easy.


    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    I quit in 1991 after more than 25 years of smoking. Now of course the reality of having smoked is coming to light. COPD and other lung issues that were not told to us back when I started now are limiting factors in my life today. I just thank God I never chewed as an alternative when I stopped with the smoke. Regardless, having smoked is going to literally be the death of me.

    I still consider myself lucky in that Mayo Clinic’s smoking cessation program was starting a study on a anti-depressant that was showing that users of the drug in clinical trials were spontaneously stopping smoking, and I was accepted into that study. The study was two years in duration and after my “stop smoking date” I never lit up again. At the end of the study a nice check was handed to me as well. Today I am still so acutely sensitive to cigarette or cigar smoke that I can smell it at traffic lights in a vehicle ten cars away with a window down.

    As for the vaping issue, I think the same exact thing is going to happen with those users: Twenty year from now the damages done now will start popping up and today’s users will be blessed with the same types of diseases that affect me today.

    If I had it to do over, I’d never have lit the first one. For those that are smokers, I’d urge you to stop. Toss the product you still have. Don’t carry lighters or anything that even remotely reminds you of lighting up or pressing the button. You know yourself far better than anyone does so if you have a penchant for food or drinking when not smoking, find some other source of focus that won’t bulk you up or develop a serious co-dependency.

    Do this for yourself and for those who love you because ultimately they’ll be the ones that will have to watch you gasp for that final breathe. I sat and held my mother’s hand after I had life support halted because of the cigarette damage done to her lungs. As I sat there with my kids watching her struggle to die all I could think of was damning every tobacco company on the face of this earth.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17534

    If you try to quit because “you need to quit”, you won’t.
    If you try to quit because “I should just quit”, you won’t.
    If you try to quit because “I should quit for the kids & wife”, you won’t.
    If you try to quit because ” they’re bad for me”, you won’t.

    The only way you will ever succeed in quitting is because YOU WANT TO QUIT. You can’t do it because others say you should. You can’t quit because they are unhealthy. One day you will wake up and know it’s a do or die decision, that day it will be YOUR CHOICE, that day will be either the best / smartest decision of your life or it will be the dumbest / worse decision.

    Your choice……………

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4396

    To all of you who have quit the habit. High 5!!
    Cigarettes are allowed to be sold because the government takes in billions of $$$$$$ in taxes.

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2306

    If you try to quit because “you need to quit”, you won’t.
    If you try to quit because “I should just quit”, you won’t.
    If you try to quit because “I should quit for the kids & wife”, you won’t.
    If you try to quit because ” they’re bad for me”, you won’t.

    The only way you will ever succeed in quitting is because YOU WANT TO QUIT. You can’t do it because others say you should. You can’t quit because they are unhealthy. One day you will wake up and know it’s a do or die decision, that day it will be YOUR CHOICE, that day will be either the best / smartest decision of your life or it will be the dumbest / worse decision.

    Your choice……………

    Ain’t that the truth! Current smoker and know I should quit. I quit once several years ago for about 3 months. Why in the H-E-double hockey sticks did I start up again?! BTW I agree 100% with the OP on this and always try to make sure my butts are disposed of properly. I wasn’t always that way but changed my ways.

    Posts: 1247

    My parents are life long smokers and in their late 70’s. My brother and I tried to get them to quiet when we were younger but never worked. It’s to the point now that when we go over to their house we leave coats in the car and have to wash clothes right when we get home because it all smells like smoke. Anything that comes from their house smells like smoke even if it’s only been there a couple days. It is a gross habit but also an addiction.

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1599

    l of you who have quit the habit. High 5!!
    Cigarettes are allowed to be sold because the government takes i

    And because tobacco companies spend huge amounts of money on lobbying and disinformation campaigns to protect their mega-billions in profits.

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1599

    I quit in 1991 after more than 25 years of smoking. Now of course the reality of having smoked is coming to light. COPD and other lung issues that were not told to us back when I started now are limiting factors in my life today. I just thank God I never chewed as an alternative when I stopped with the smoke. Regardless, having smoked is going to literally be the death of me.

    Mom is in the same situation. She’s 87, has COPD and emphysema and gasps walking around her apartment. Said to see an independent strong willed woman fade after raising three kids on her own, going back to college in her 40s and managing her life on her own for 60 years. I anticipate the same experience as you had with your Mom.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22351

    If you try to quit because “you need to quit”, you won’t.
    If you try to quit because “I should just quit”, you won’t.
    If you try to quit because “I should quit for the kids & wife”, you won’t.
    If you try to quit because ” they’re bad for me”, you won’t.

    The only way you will ever succeed in quitting is because YOU WANT TO QUIT. You can’t do it because others say you should. You can’t quit because they are unhealthy. One day you will wake up and know it’s a do or die decision, that day it will be YOUR CHOICE, that day will be either the best / smartest decision of your life or it will be the dumbest / worse decision.

    Your choice……………


    I tried quitting a 100 times. I could always make it a couple weeks or a month or 2. The difference this time is I wanted to quit deep down and it hasn’t even bothered me. Being around it now I think it stinks and I’m glad I kicked the nasty habit

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    I’ve always thought it’s a bit unfair that smokers are expected to “quit” smoking, but alcoholics don’t “quit” alcohol, they’re in “recovery”. The terminology isn’t very forgiving for smokers.

    I know someone who had quit smoking years prior and it wasn’t until she was in the company of someone who smoked her old brand that she found her willpower floundering. I’m thinking ex-smokers might not ever be fully free of the temptation – but maybe the successful quitters tend to avoid situations where they’re near cigarettes so it’s not tempting. I think people CAN quit even when they don’t really want to. It’s just a matter of willpower and mind over matter.

    I think it sucks that if I were to ask my coworkers to join me outside and we can all stand in a circle and we’ll shoot the $hit for 10 min and breath deeply with one another – they’d all look at me like I’m nuts! But if we were smoking cigarettes then it’s totally normal…

    Don’t get me started on vaping. I just can’t take that seriously and people (especially guys) look delicious with those things! And to top it off so many of them do it indoors… I even saw one d%$^bag that was vaping at a restaurant at the table. I almost said something, but I thought better not to.

    Posts: 9321

    You think they look delicious eh Sharon? hah

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    Maybe if they made those vape units look like a dic…..

    Posts: 598

    I chewed from 19 to 51. From the time I woke up till I went to bed there was a chew in my mouth. At 51 and raising all my sons on my own I made that choice to stop chewing for them and I. I needed to be here for them!! At that point I threw my tins away and never looked back. Was it easy? HELL NO!!! My boys will tell ya along with me it was a miserable, horrid 2 weeks.
    Best decision I ever made and one of my proudest Daddy-O- moments.

    Becker MN
    Posts: 1028

    My parents are life long smokers and in their late 70’s. My brother and I tried to get them to quiet when we were younger but never worked. It’s to the point now that when we go over to their house we leave coats in the car and have to wash clothes right when we get home because it all smells like smoke. Anything that comes from their house smells like smoke even if it’s only been there a couple days. It is a gross habit but also an addiction.

    Guessing a lot of us had parents that smoked. I can’t even fathom what we went through growing up…like you said, the stink in the house, clothes, hair, driving in a smoke filled car… Back then I guess we didn’t know any better.

    Feel bad for kids nowadays that have no choice but to live with that.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    You think they look delicious eh Sharon? hah

    Dammit! I typed ridiculous, not delicious! rotflol

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2306

    Freudian slip??! rotflol

    Posts: 2232

    Cigarettes are legal and taxed.

    Prohibition of most anything rarely works.

    Why not regulate and tax cigarettes instead of an outright ban.

    The black market, cartels, bootleggers, mafia, native reservations (your choice here) would fill any void if cigarettes were banned.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3478

    My advice to you guys who are offended or grossed out, watch your own bobber.

    Found the litterer!

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    And because tobacco companies spend huge amounts of money on lobbying and disinformation campaigns to protect their mega-billions in profits.

    At one time I believe the tobacco companies were subsidized by the feds. Maybe they still are? I’d love to see it illegal for any lobby to near a government building and any elected official seen with a lobbyist canned on the spot.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1652

    I don’t smoke but I chew Copenhagen. Oh and no spit cup for me.
    I think back to those times in high school in the late 80’s early 90’s.
    Many a times I had to gut the chew so I wouldn’t get in caught. lol
    About 12 years ago I switched to pouches. Glad I did.

    When I was putting our crane together in the Vikings stadium one of the Danny’s guys would tell me he would run to ND and every couple of months to buy a bunch of Copenhagen. It was cheaper than buying it in MN. I very seldom buy a can here in MN. Maybe a couple of times a year.

    The company I work for adopts a couple of miles of highway by Granite. You would be amazed at how much trash we pick up every year. But it’s bough thing compared to what’s along some of the highways in Texas.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17534

    I’ve always thought it’s a bit unfair that smokers are expected to “quit” smoking, but alcoholics don’t “quit” alcohol, they’re in “recovery”. The terminology isn’t very forgiving for smokers.

    I know someone who had quit smoking years prior and it wasn’t until she was in the company of someone who smoked her old brand that she found her willpower floundering. I’m thinking ex-smokers might not ever be fully free of the temptation – but maybe the successful quitters tend to avoid situations where they’re near cigarettes so it’s not tempting. I think people CAN quit even when they don’t really want to. It’s just a matter of willpower and mind over matter.

    I think it sucks that if I were to ask my coworkers to join me outside and we can all stand in a circle and we’ll shoot the $hit for 10 min and breath deeply with one another – they’d all look at me like I’m nuts! But if we were smoking cigarettes then it’s totally normal…

    Don’t get me started on vaping. I just can’t take that seriously and people (especially guys) look delicious with those things! And to top it off so many of them do it indoors… I even saw one d%$^bag that was vaping at a restaurant at the table. I almost said something, but I thought better not to.

    I smoked from Senior year until the late 80’s. I would smoke 3 packs of Winston a day at the end (Was also doing well over a 6 pack of mountain dew) and if we went drinking it was an easy 4. to this day 30+ years later I can close my eyes and taste what that Winston tasted like the second I put the match to the tip of the cigarette. You are correct the habit is there forever and if you ever give in to the craving it will latch onto you again.

    I only quit the one time and when I did I stayed away from any friends that smoked, stayed out of the bars (you could smoke indoors at the time) and in general removed myself from as much temptation as I could. I never had a drink of beer or booze for 6 months. All that said like in my earlier post i’m a firm believer that until you want to quit for you and you only it won’t happen. For all of us that have quit……….take a DEEP breath, because now we can. applause

    David Anderson
    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 548

    Great thread, brings back a lot of memories when I was a kid. Cigarettes were $0.45/pack when I worked at the gas station, a tin of Copenhagen was $0.25. Mom and dad always smoked when I was young. Back then all cars had a cigarette lighter and an ash tray, even in the back seats on the door rests. Most of them were filled up but now there are no more ashtrays in cars and it’s not called a lighter socket anymore. Mom would have card parties in the 60’s with her friends and they all smoked in the house, it was filled with smoke but that’s the way it was. Dad quit cold turkey, I don’t know what his motivation was, maybe the cost as he was cheap. After retiring he got a DUI and started again however must have a religious moment and quit for good. In the end he died of esophageal cancer even though he had quit for over 10 years and my mom died 5 years later of COPD, she smoked to the end, heck, quitting then would have done nothing as she smoked since she was 13. Maybe they should start putting ashtrays back in the cars, or give everyone who smokes a cup holder butt container. Having never smoked it’s impossible for me to judge those that do, as I have never experienced it. I have had smokers in my boat, I tell them before we go out, if you smoke in the boat and if there is one ash, or a burn hole, you are 100% responsible for total carpet replacement, not just a spot, I estimate about $3000. I had a 1986 Lund Nisswa guide with that plastic type indoor/outdoor carpeting and went out one night, the next morning I found a burn hole in the bow. Of course everyone denied it. People light up because of habit, regardless where they are. Haven’t had anyone smoke yet!

    Posts: 811

    I was having a cig two years ago on March 19th when the ambulance came to pick me up. I was having a heart attack. On the way to Mayo Clinic, I thought, ” I bet I just smoked my last cigarette.” And sure enough, after open heart surgery, it was my last. I don’t even think about them anymore. My wife still smokes, and like the smell of hers, but I don’t want one. The one big kicker was when my 8 yo grand daughter said to me the night before surgery,” Please Grampa, Don’t smoke.” As for the OP, I never did throw them on the ground. I always disposed of them properly.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2116

    Amen, I quit 40 years ago. HARD habit to shake.
    I see it same as drinking or anything else. You have to want to quit. Not excuses like Dutch boy mentioned. He’s right.
    Littering/. Absolutely. A guy in front of me at a light opened his door and emptied his cars ashtray on the ground. Lit him up and he just basically told me where to go. What a d-bag.
    Vapes?! STUPIDIST looking thing in the world. Worse than cigs for you in my opinion.

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