I quit in 1991 after more than 25 years of smoking. Now of course the reality of having smoked is coming to light. COPD and other lung issues that were not told to us back when I started now are limiting factors in my life today. I just thank God I never chewed as an alternative when I stopped with the smoke. Regardless, having smoked is going to literally be the death of me.
I still consider myself lucky in that Mayo Clinic’s smoking cessation program was starting a study on a anti-depressant that was showing that users of the drug in clinical trials were spontaneously stopping smoking, and I was accepted into that study. The study was two years in duration and after my “stop smoking date” I never lit up again. At the end of the study a nice check was handed to me as well. Today I am still so acutely sensitive to cigarette or cigar smoke that I can smell it at traffic lights in a vehicle ten cars away with a window down.
As for the vaping issue, I think the same exact thing is going to happen with those users: Twenty year from now the damages done now will start popping up and today’s users will be blessed with the same types of diseases that affect me today.
If I had it to do over, I’d never have lit the first one. For those that are smokers, I’d urge you to stop. Toss the product you still have. Don’t carry lighters or anything that even remotely reminds you of lighting up or pressing the button. You know yourself far better than anyone does so if you have a penchant for food or drinking when not smoking, find some other source of focus that won’t bulk you up or develop a serious co-dependency.
Do this for yourself and for those who love you because ultimately they’ll be the ones that will have to watch you gasp for that final breathe. I sat and held my mother’s hand after I had life support halted because of the cigarette damage done to her lungs. As I sat there with my kids watching her struggle to die all I could think of was damning every tobacco company on the face of this earth.