Friday rant – Cigarette smokers

  • Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3438

    Why do the majority of cigarette smokers throw their cigs on the ground like the earth is their dumpster? or they toss them out their car window when they’re driving down the road? It is lazy, gross, and disrespectful. My favorite is when they throw them on the ground when they’re 2 feet from one of those cig butt collector things.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3149

    Its super gross. Its never prosecuted so that is why. I always feel bad though at the same time. I couldnt imagine what its like to be a slave to a substance like that.

    Posts: 4394

    I never understood that. Throwing a candy wrapper out the window is littering but a ciggy butt aint?

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2037

    when I did smoke I field dressed them and kept the butt until I could trash them properly… but that was a lot of years ago.. glad I quit..

    besides being a fire hazard too when disposed of that way

    Posts: 619

    peeing on the lake is a fine tossing something that could possibly start a fire should definitely be a fine.

    Erik Swenson
    Posts: 527

    Agree, but pigs are pigs when it comes to littering.

    Posts: 24747

    peeing on the lake is a fine tossing something that could possibly start a fire should definitely be a fine.

    I believe it is or at least I thought it was its just never enforced.

    Posts: 2033

    Well how else are you supposed to know where the good catfishing spots are ?

    eldora, iowa
    Posts: 428

    Probably related to the people that leave their shopping carts in the parking lot 10 feet from a cart collection spot

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18865

    Honestly can’t think of a worse habit. Stinky, extremely unhealthy, expensive.

    Philip Morris thanks you for supporting them though.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6757

    when I did smoke I field dressed them and kept the butt until I could trash them properly… but that was a lot of years ago.. glad I quit..

    I still haven’t kicked the habit yet, but this is what I do. I have tossed them out the window before however its rare. I do not smoke in my vehicles anymore so I always make sure they end up in the trash or cig butt station.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1854

    It’s littering just like throwing anything else on the ground.
    It’s definitely not the majority who throw them out their window or on the ground. My advice to you guys who are offended or grossed out, watch your own bobber.
    I quit about a month ago. Other than a couple bad days, I’ve been smoke free. Let me tell you, it’s not easy. I’m already noticing all this extra money though!! woot

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1854


    Michael Obremski
    Drummond wi
    Posts: 101

    Have never smoked thank goodness but work around guys who do. The habit is gross. Once in awhile we figure how much a coworker has spent on cigs in his life, it often comes to over ten thousand dollars. Pretty expensive and nasty habit imo.

    Posts: 274

    Have never smoked thank goodness but work around guys who do. The habit is gross. Once in awhile we figure how much a coworker has spent on cigs in his life, it often comes to over ten thousand dollars. Pretty expensive and nasty habit imo.

    My girlfriend and myself have been smoke free for 8 years now. Is a bad habit but I’m sure you blow money on plenty of stupid stuff too. When we quit there was no super excess of money, it just got channeled into something else.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22152

    Man I smoked for a long time, many many years. That said my daughter turned 1 last week so that means I quit a year and a week ago. Haven’t smoked since the day we showed up at the hospital to have her. I always put my butts in a can or bottle. Started smoking around my sons age at 13, what a poor descion that was

    Posts: 629

    Much of my extended family smoked when I was growing up in the 90s, most fortunately quit eventually. I don’t really know anyone who smokes anymore and none of my work or recreation activities really put me around smokers. It’s almost jarring when I smell smoke anymore, so hard to believe we used to eat in restaurants with it, not to mention the bars when I was in college…yuck!

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18865

    Grubson, John, Bearcat, fins. Please accept my apologies if my post offended you. I didn’t mean to personally attack you guys.

    I commend those for quitting. It can’t be easy.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1526

    Its super gross. Its never prosecuted so that is why. I always feel bad though at the same time. I couldnt imagine what its like to be a slave to a substance like that.

    My father in law got pulled over because he flicked a cig out the window of his vehicle. Got a dui because of that.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1526

    Also, my wife’s mom and two of her aunts have dies from lung cancer. All had smoked in the life. Wife’s step dad was just diagnosed with lung cancer. He is a smoker. We lived with mother in law as she was going through it and not something I would want to go through.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22152

    Grubson, John, Bearcat, fins. Please accept my apologies if my post offended you. I didn’t mean to personally attack you guys.

    I commend those for quitting. It can’t be easy.

    Oh man no offense here. I don’t get offended.

    Michael Obremski
    Drummond wi
    Posts: 101

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Michael Obremski wrote:</div>
    Have never smoked thank goodness but work around guys who do. The habit is gross. Once in awhile we figure how much a coworker has spent on cigs in his life, it often comes to over ten thousand dollars. Pretty expensive and nasty habit imo.

    My girlfriend and myself have been smoke free for 8 years now. Is a bad habit but I’m sure you blow money on plenty of stupid stuff too. When we quit there was no super excess of money, it just got channeled into something else.

    Nice work quitting. And u would know more about the money disappearing just as fast cuz u went through it. But that dosnt mean everybody blows thousands of dollars on stupid stuff especially me I work hard and save while I can. Just sayin.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4109

    To the OP I’ve always fully agreed with what you said. I can’t comprehend the mindset of someone willing to smoke a cigarette but then treat the butt as “not my problem.” Someone has to clean them up right? It’s a POS thing to do and that probably reflects on the person.

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2037

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Mike Schulz wrote:</div>
    when I did smoke I field dressed them and kept the butt until I could trash them properly… but that was a lot of years ago.. glad I quit..

    I still haven’t kicked the habit yet, but this is what I do. I have tossed them out the window before however its rare. I do not smoke in my vehicles anymore so I always make sure they end up in the trash or cig butt station.

    you will when you are ready, for what ever reason

    Posts: 274

    The vaping though! God dang! I swear 2/3 of the people I work with don’t set the damn thing down. Almost nobody smokes anymore but everyone vapes and it seems to be accepted.

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