Friday night topic …..that cost me a buck or two.

  • Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17505

    Thinking back to when I was a kid makes me wonder. At what point did I think I needed to move on from a Zebco 33 Classic and start collecting expensive rods and reels? With the exception of the drag (which isn’t horrible) that thing worked just fine for many many years. Same with lures. Simple Daredevil spoons and Mepps spinners will put tons of fish in a boat in addition to a basic bobber set-up.

    Now, thinking about all the tackle & rods & reels and money spent gives me a headache. doah

    Speaking of basics….. the boat will be sporting a 20′ cane pole again this summer. Some things never get old for me. laugh grin

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6291

    Some things are full circle.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11116

    The cane pole (old mans finger) as the grandson calls it is the highlite of spring crappie fishing.
    I have an old dead fall off shore where we toss that cane pole with a small plastic under it. NON stop action.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1532

    I remember as a kid saving up to buy a Mepps… they were the best artificial, especially the bucktail version. I still have a few (and some Roostertails) that I throw when I fish small streams and rivers from shore

    Posts: 358

    My girlfriend had an old uglystick with a zebco that was just cursed to catch fish. We were at red lake once when it was way to windy to go out so we fished off the dock by the launch. She caught more fish than anyone and she had to hand strip the line out of the reel ever time. We crushed the walleyes and it was in the fall. Really weird

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