The problem with the US not policing the world is that China or Russia will continue to take over countries and monetary properties. The other countries don’t do any policing if we don’t take the lead first. It’s not ideal, but it’s how it is. China has already taken over Afghanistan and bought up one of the largest lithium deposits in the world after we abandoned that area. If we don’t stick our nose in places we have interests in our competitors and enemies will. They are already getting a leg up on us because of how inept this administration has been at seeing things.
At a simplistic level, I hate the US being the “world police” and sticking up for countries and groups that often cannot reciprocate or even care for the help. It is expensive, it costs us troops, and some say it jeopardizes our safety.
What I hate even more though, is the thought of war and attacks on our own soil. Oversees aid is crazy expensive when we have our own financial crisis, but the reality is that the longer we support these other countries and prop them up as the low hanging fruit against our enemies…the more likely we are to be safe here at home. In a previous post I mentioned that Israel will never be a safe place nor will people in that region ever leave Israel alone as one of our allies. However, it is a focal point away from our own soil for many who hate the United States and our way of life (as cruel as that sounds – it is the truth).