Glad you guys mentioned Coopers hawk, had no idea what it was.
Few days ago a Coopers had a rather large bird pinned down right outside our front window. One of the coolest things we’ve seen in a while, called our oldest up to the front and we sat there and watched this for at least half hour. The hawk had this bird pinned down by its head, and was really just holding it there and readjusting his feet every once in a while the bird was trying to free itself. Hawk would peck at it periodically, but overall just holding it. The grass was rather long so never got a good look at what bird it was eating alive but had black and white barred feathers with a yellowish underbelly. Wanted to say a woodpecker but it was a big bird as well. Eventually the crows started showing up one by one and they started cawing and the hawk finally had the bird dead enough to fly away with it. Very cool spectacle.