Frankenstein Rods…. pronounced “Frahnkenshteen”
So….who has them? I’m betting a lot of people do.
They are priceless, difficult or impossible to duplicate. There’s a certain satisfaction knowing no-one else has one. They make me happy.
Here is mine, “little Franky”, and if you do the math you can easily buy a true custom rod of professed better quality for less. Way less… if time is money!
(from 2 broken J.M.Meatsticks- handle and guides, Picklestick- tip for hook holder, recycled MudHole blank- mounted inside
Easton carbon arrow, and etc)
Moral of the story, ‘if you can buy a rod you like and settle…do it’. But if you start building rods you like you won’t be able to go fishing without at least 6; you’ll probably spend a lot of money and time-off-task (according to spouse) in your shop.