Memorial Day Weekend

  • CornHunka
    Posts: 42

    Fished out of Pease Creek over Memorial Day weekend. We did pretty well on Saturday despite a steady, soft rain. Caught about 35 walleyes, 5 smallies and 1 drum. Sunday the weather seemed perfect, had the walleye chop, cloud cover most of the day, but the fish didn’t cooperate too well. We did catch some fish, but we worked a lot harder and moved around a lot. We stayed south most of the time.
    We were about to give up when my buddy hooked up a nice 22″ fish, so we stayed for 2 more hours and took 6 home for the table.

    All fish were caught on bottom bouncer and spinner rigs, minnows caught a few, but most were on a crawler. All the fish were really fat and healthy.

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