Average ice date out at Chamberlain, S.D.?

  • steve-fellegy
    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    So…is there such a thing as anyone knowing the “average” ice out date for the River in the Chamberlain stretch?

    Curious as to what the odds are that it will be open from the dam south to the 44 bridge for the PWT event. Practice starts about the 28th of March.

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    I was at a seminar Sunday and talked to Tom Backer.He mentioned he was very nervous that the ice might not be off in time?
    I’ll be fishing it as a am.Let me know if you need any help pre-fishing.
    Ryan Hale

    Posts: 701

    I realllllly think you’ll be fine. Usually they are open water fishing already or close to it.

    Actually, it will only help the fishing the less people are at them this winter for once. Guys that catch cold water fish aren’t famous for throwing any back!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’ll ask my friends from Sioux Falls, they hit that area quite a bit in the spring.

    Sioux Falls, SD
    Posts: 10

    As always weather will determine everything but I don’t think you have to worry about much. A couple of warm day’s & the release of water thru the damn will take care of it. I’ll be out in Chamberlain for work next Monday so I’ll report back on how it looks. With a late ice out the bite come the 1st of April will be North from Chamberlain anyway & I’m sure that will be open.

    Posts: 1


    “Mr. Treehouse” and I will be up to represent the great state of Missouri and MSW if the Lord is willing and the ice goes off in time. Please report back on anything you learn on ice conditions. Hope to see you in April.

    Sioux Falls, SD
    Posts: 10

    Well I made it out there today & it’s still iced over. The ice in the main channel looks very poor & should open with any warm weather & breeze. As far as the bays go I asked a couple of locals & they said it about 2 foot thick yet. That will take some warm temps & a breeze to open up. On a good note, the forecast for Thursday – Monday out there is between 47 on Thursday & up to 55 on Monday. Believe me those temps will be devistating on the ice. If it stays like that I’ll be taking a vacation day next week & heading out to Ft. Thompson with the boat, it’s almost always open up there. If I hear or see anything else I’ll post back.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Thank you for your replys! I also figured the “flow” and warm temps will open it quickly. Keep us posted.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Hey Steve, Good news. The old man was listening to the radio today and they claimed the river is open to the bridges in Chamberlain now. He was trying to convince me I should come fish as an Am. I said I would if he paid the entry fee. He now thinks I should stay in MN.

    Ironguts is going to run out there within the next week, so we’ll get a real report then. Just watch him, he’s a Ranger snob.

    mike means
    Posts: 88


    Hey Steve, Good news. The old man was listening to the radio today and they claimed the river is open to the bridges in Chamberlain now. He was trying to convince me I should come fish as an Am. I said I would if he paid the entry fee. He now thinks I should stay in MN.

    Ironguts is going to run out there within the next week, so we’ll get a real report then. Just watch him, he’s a Ranger snob.

    I was out there on Thur-Sat morning. The ice is out to Crow Creek but not to the bridge yet. Saturday morning there was a small amount of ice almost everywhere above Crow Creek. Made it real hard to jig, should of brought the tip ups.


    marshall, mn
    Posts: 79


    I was out there on Thur-Sat morning. The ice is out to Crow Creek but not to the bridge yet. Saturday morning there was a small amount of ice almost everywhere above Crow Creek.

    We were out there Mon-Tues, still about the same shape. Boy, was it nice at 78 degrees Mon afternoon. Fishin was pretty slow though

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Any NEW reports from the Chamberlain area ice/fishing?


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I talked to Ironguts today. He has not been to the river due to the high winds on days he could make it. He is hoping to get out there later this week or early next week. He promised to report back in when he does.

    Posts: 35

    Hey Steve, the water is open down south of town now. I am not sure how far, but it sounds like the water is up a little. We were out there fishing the Ft. Thompson area about 10 days ago. Good bite for 15-19 inchers. My dad and uncle are out there today. Sounds like the marina on the east side of the river in town is ice free too. Cedar Shores should be good to go too. I think you guys will be plenty good all the way down to the south border. Once she starts to open, she goes fast. Time to get your jig rods ready.

    Jason Erlandson

    Sioux Falls, SD
    Posts: 10

    I just got an email from my contacts that live right in Chamberlain & Cedar Shores is ice free as well. So it’s go time. Vacation day is turned in for Friday & I’m heading that way.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Thanks for the update!!! Sounds good to go!

    Riggin’ the new ride as we speak and will be at Cedar Shores on the 28th.

    Sioux Falls, SD
    Posts: 10

    Finally made it out on 3/23, what a good feeling to be back on the open water. We went thru Chamberlain & everything is wide open & drove up to Ft. Thompson to put in. They were pooring water thru the dam when we got there, so we were very optimistic. 15 minutes of fishing we had a normal 16.5″ for the box. Looking easy right! Then they shut the water off & the bite died. We did manage 9 keepers for 3 guys for the day. Biggest fish was 19.5″ & the smallest 15.5″. All off jig’s & minnows & no paticular pattern. Seemed like we only got a fish or two @ each of our normal hot spots. Still a great day to be on the water, 72 degrees & no wind. Already working on the fisherman tan

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Thanks! I’ll be there tomorrow.

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