Francis Case Lodging

  • wimwuen
    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960


    Thinking of heading over for a few days in the next few weeks. Wondering if anybody here has suggestions for lodging. Not sure if Platte or Chamberlain will be better at this point. I’ve been hearing Platte, but it sounds like that could change any day.

    Austin MN
    Posts: 483

    It depends on where you are going to fish. We were out there 2 weeks and stayed in Platte and just fish Platte creek. I would stay close to where you are fishing.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    there’s a few camping cabins at Snake Creek recreation area. They look like they are busy, especially this time of year. There’s always a tourney somewhere. Snake is about 8 miles up from Platte Creek Recreationa area. The town of Platte is closer to Snake Creek than Platte Creek so don’t get confused. There are some lodging options in Platte. Cedar Creek is the Chamberlain resort. Very nice place.

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