As for photos and mounts I have those, this year my wife bought one of those digitals so we will have to figure that out so I can post some pigs. As of today the main ice went out from the dam to just short of 172 bridge. I live 30 miles away in Shawano so I keep posted. Usually anywhere from the 15th of march to the 2nd week of April is good. But, I’ll probably be the first to tell ya that there are differnt waves of fish, the males seem to always be there, but the females come from all distances, as well as depths. We see many differnt colors and proportions. This is just my theory of course, but I feel on the spot I’m on is just the best during peak phases. Last year John Gillespie and crew were out in front of me and just couldn’t figure out for the life of them what and how my crankbait was being presented. Kinda funny, but they were not precision casting
or understanding what direction the surronding 4 1/2 to 8ft. of underwater structure looked like. These fish have certain highways and some of the best are 10 ft to 5 ft wide. Having said that, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t fish all over just that there is certain “pinch points”.
Anyway good luck, and if ya get over this way drop me a message. Tight lines, later ,Ty Meier