Seeing that this is an excellent river for shore fishermen, let’s get some reports going. There are some great spots like Rainbow park, Pioneer Inn and the Senior center. Will be going up on Wednesday, and hopefully will have some good news…Good luck out there.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Wisconsin Lake & Rivers » Fox River » Fox river in OshKosh (shore anglers)
Fox river in OshKosh (shore anglers)
April 11, 2003 at 1:38 pm #263860
Tried it from rainbow park..Not a bite..Went over by the mouth and fished the wall by the Oshkosh center.. Couple of hits, no fish…Saw 2 small ones caught from boat anglers near by…Next week shoud be better…HOPEFULLY. Good luck out there……..
April 16, 2003 at 5:03 am #264269Hey there hard water, when you start tappin into them, slide some pix up on the site…that’l bring’m in !!
April 17, 2003 at 2:12 pm #264413I will do that..Camera’s in the tackle box…..How’s things over in Prairie du Chien. I lived in Mcgregor when I was a kid.
April 17, 2003 at 2:15 pm #264416Went up on Monday. Again nothing. Tried it from the pier at Rainbow park, the Oshkosh center, and on the other side by the pioneer inn. Was really windy out. Ton of boats, did’nt see anything caught. Went over to Omro and same thing there.. Maybe next week.
April 19, 2003 at 5:09 am #264601Prairie is still here. I grew up here too. Moved here in ’66 and moved away to grow up a bit !! lol . Then moved back about ’92 and have been here ever since….Boy have things changed from the 60’s and 70’s..
If you ever get back this way give me a shout !!
April 19, 2003 at 3:17 pm #264612If I get back over, I will definately give you a holler. My brother lives over that way and is a hardcore river rat.
October 8, 2003 at 4:33 pm #278066Gonna come try it on Monday. This warm weather is best served on the golf course. Saw some reports on another site that they are getting whitebass in OshKosh. Will try to have a report on here on Tuesday. Good luck out there..
October 14, 2003 at 2:48 pm #278602Tried it yesterday for a few hours. Fished between the Ohio street bridge and the railroad bridge on the west side in 3 different spots with no luck. Tried it on both sides of the 21 bridge with no luck. Did’nt see anything caught from shore or from boats. Was using river rigs with different colors and both shiners and fatheads. May try again in a couple of weeks. Depends on the reports. Good luck out there……..
February 27, 2004 at 9:25 pm #294478Pretty soon……Would appreciate a heads up when the river breaks up…Thanks
March 10, 2004 at 3:55 pm #296072Read on another site that the river is open now..Gonna take a ride up next week and give it a try. ANY reports would be nice and appreciated. I will report back with results of my trip. Good luck and good fishin’………
March 27, 2004 at 9:37 pm #298531Heard that guys are marking walleyes in the river, but the cold front is keeping them shut down. Should be any day now they turn on. If anybody hears anything, please post it, cause us shore fishermen need all the help we can get. Will DEFINATELY be up next week. Good luck out there.
Posts: 1April 2, 2004 at 9:13 pm #299443I am completely new to fishing the fox, I hear all the talk about rainbow but what type of setup is most popular? Lindy rigs? Slipbobbers and leeaches or crankbaits? Just a little help would be great. Thanks, and good luck
April 20, 2004 at 2:01 pm #301582Sorry about the lack of reports. I will be coming up today. Will post a report later. Have heard through the grapevine that they are getting walleye, perch and whitebass. Gonna find out in about an hour.
April 21, 2004 at 1:09 pm #301893Fished from Rainbow park for an hour or so. Not a bite. Wind was relentless. Went over to the oshkosh center and tried from the east side of the river. Had the wind at my back, which made it a little more tolerable. Anyway, same thing. Got 1 hit and nothing else. 3 other guys out and I didn’t see anything caught in 3 hours. Gonna try again next week. If ya hear anything, LEAVE A REPORT……
June 22, 2004 at 3:13 pm #309564Not quite sure on the water level. Did you have any luck with LM or SM Bass while fishing in Oshkosh lately? I’ll be up there this Sunday, and I’ll let ya know if anything was biting near the shoreline.
June 24, 2004 at 3:21 pm #309862Haven’t caught any SM or LM in Osh Kosh. Actually, haven’t caught much of anything in Osh Kosh this year. Will probally make 1 more trip this month. Maybe give the catfish a go.
July 4, 2004 at 3:13 pm #311178Made a trip to OshKosh on Friday. Fished by the pioneer inn. Caught half a dozen sheephead and another half dozen cats. Was using lindy rigs with floating jigs tipped with crawlers. Biggest cat was about 18″ and 3 lbs. Had something on that broke my 8 lb test line. Great day to be out. May try it again next week.
September 7, 2004 at 2:47 pm #320180It’s getting to be that time of year for the fall run to begin. If anyone hears of the whitebass or walleyes starting to hang out in the river channels, please post it. Will probally make a trip next week. With overnite temps in the 50’s the water temps should start to lower and get the fish active…Good luck out there……..
October 9, 2004 at 2:37 pm #323703Got a tip that the whitebass are running in Osh Kosh. I am making a trip on Monday to check this rumor out. Will let ya know what happened on Monday night. If your going out this weekend, I also heard that the hot color is silver. Good luck out there…….
October 12, 2004 at 1:12 pm #323931The whitebass are in the river in OshKosh. Fished yesterday by the Civic Center and did well. You won’t get them on every cast, but they are biting and fairly aggressively. Tried it for a couple hours with river rigs. Got 2. Started casting and got a fish about every 5 minutes or so. Was using a green 3/8 oz jig with a silver twister tail tipped with a fathead. That worked well. Switched to a green twister tail and had the same results. Caught 2 fish without minnows, but they seemed to prefer the jig with the minnows better. Saw a couple walleyes caught, but not on my jig. Next couple weeks should be really good fishing, Good luck…….
February 23, 2005 at 4:23 am #345067Soon the ice will melt and the walleyes will run. Please keep us posted on river/ice conditions and what’s biting. Till then, I will continue the great art of ice fishing…..
March 24, 2005 at 5:46 pm #352121Thinking about making a trip up on Monday. Are the banks open by Rainbow Park or the Civic Center? Appreciate any info……Thanks…
March 29, 2005 at 2:36 pm #353093Heard they are getting a few walleyes at night by the 26 bridge. Can’t confirm this, but it does come from a good source…Good luck out there……..
April 22, 2005 at 1:47 pm #358686Fished Tuesday at Rainbow Park just north of the pier. Got 2 whitebass and a catfish. Missed a few. Seemed to like the pink/white jig tipped with a fathead.
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