Fox River Depere Report

  • Eric Pomplun
    janesville, wisconsin
    Posts: 480

    Fished for about 70 hours or so on the fox with 3 all nighters. the bite was better early in the week tuesday-thursday as there was a lot less boat traffic compared to friday. i think we put around 200 walleyes in the boat tuesday through thursday. caught fish vertical jigging, casting plastics and casting cranks at the dam. our best plastics were the original paddle tails from bfishin tackle in gold craker on steady retrieve fishing the shallow shorelines after dark. our biggest fish were 24 1/2, couple 25s, 2 26s one was 8.5lbs, 2 27s one 8lber and one 9lb 12oz, 2 28s one 9lb 12oz one 10.1 lbs. overall pretty good bite but once the water warms and gets higher it should only get better.

    Eden Prairie
    Posts: 857

    Great report and even better pictures

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 47

    Nice fish!

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2030

    Well deserved with 3 all nighters

    Nice fish
    You guys definetly put your time in for those

    Posts: 1009

    Headed to the rainy later in the week.. we hit it real good last year on the same week.. but sure miis the fox..

    we kicked on the rainy last year but it is still a second compaired to our best years on the fox.. # and size of fish!

    and thats with over 20 fish at or over 30″ off the rainy last year..

    heard the fox had some dam construction and water levels were going to ge very low this year so planned on the rainy again…

    nice report..

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Great looking Walleyes

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    You must have been out about the same time as me….I’m fishing from shore though. Bite hasn’t changed much this week ive been having about the same results.

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874

    70hrs.. Sweeeet Catch!! Thanks for sharing

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