Forest service rules

  • glenn57
    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12802

    so…the cabin is up in Itasca county, anyone got an idea what kind of rules they now have for cutting wood on non private land????? i’m going to check the GIS mapping but its either foresrty or govenment land!

    the storms have knocked down a pile of poplar trees and up there noone uses it. there is all of 6-7-8 years of campfire wood within 2 blocks of super easy access!!!!!

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12337

    Depends on what kind of public land it is I think. The DNR has a few paragraphs in one of the reg books.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12802

    Depends on what kind of public land it is I think. The DNR has a few paragraphs in one of the reg books.

    looking at the GIS mapping its owned by the US forest service.

    there is a forest service in deer river, i drive right by it on HWY 6 going north, so IF they are back in the office actually working there again, i do plan on stopping!!!!1

    i just thought maybe someone would know off hand!!!!!!

    Reef W
    Posts: 3130

    For a state forest you’re supposed to have a permit if removing it from forest boundary, don’t need a permit to use it in the forest when camping. Not sure there are consistent rules for a national forest, they are all managed differently so you probably just need to call the office. I know some have permits that allow collecting for personal use.

    Or just say “Sorry officer I didn’t know I couldn’t do that” if it comes up, usually works for dumb stuff like this lol

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12802

    ^^^^^^ rotflol yea its not always a good idea to ask for forgiveness with the govenrment!!!!!! whistling

    there is a guy used to run a sawmill on the north end of the lake. he spent some time down at the federal courthouse cause he cut down a tree about 10 ft from where some line was!!!!

    Buffalo Fishhead
    Posts: 308

    In some (most) areas the US Forest Service requires a “fire wood” permit that allows a person to cut a certain amount, like a cord or two.

    They usually have designated areas where people are allowed to cut fire wood.

    Buffalo Fishhead

    Karl Hungus
    Carver County, Minnesota
    Posts: 210

    I have property that borders USFS land and as I recall, you need to check in with the local office because rules differ depending on the USFS land you’re looking at. I know they require basic common sense things like not cutting close to water etc. I think they’re fairly lenient on “downed” trees tho.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12802

    I have property that borders USFS land and as I recall, you need to check in with the local office because rules differ depending on the USFS land you’re looking at. I know they require basic common sense things like not cutting close to water etc. I think they’re fairly lenient on “downed” trees tho.

    i’ll Definity be checking in with them once this snow goes away. thats the thing there is so much forest service land up there its hard to know the rules.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    The national forest by us in Wisconsin is only enough for a campfire while you are camping. If they have logged or cleaned up along the roads you could get a permit for the wood they have stacked along the road. Rules probably vary be area, best to just check in.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3367

    Yes you need the permit and I’m pretty sure there are restrictions in terms of where/how far you can haul it off too depending on where it is harvested from

    Posts: 525

    Our tax dollars hard at work

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3128

    Here are some general guidelines:
    Contact the forest district office nearest you to obtain a permit for home firewood, Christmas tree and tree cutting instructions.

    Wood or Christmas trees cannot be sold. Permits must be in your possession at all times while on the forest.

    Contact each forest district office for specific dates, maps, times, and accessibility.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12802

    ^^^^^^^^ since it wont allow me to quote it!!!!! doah are they actually working in there offices now……they werent during the rona.

    calling or email is frugal at best, noone answers the phone nor replies to emails. i’m still waiting for an email response from 3-4 years ago. i asked if i could clear out an old survey trail thats on government land for the wood…….yea i’m still waiting!!!!! whistling

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1554

    Our tax dollars hard at work

    One reason there are government rules for wood removal is that some idiots abuse the pribilege. Another example of a few causing pain for the many.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12802

    ^^^ yep……biggest no no was cutting live trees!!!!!

    there’s enough deadfall up there shouldnt need to. granted i mainly look for poplar and pine for campfires…..not exactly top of the line stuff for heating.

    besides why wouldnt they want you to remove clean up deadfall…in the event of a forest fire????

    Posts: 96

    The last time I got a forest service wood cutting permit it was $20 with a limit of one or two cords. Downed wood only of course. Not hard to locate a clear cut or a blow down.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    They want to leave the national forests natural including dead fall. They are slowly growing the non-motorized areas near us shutting down the old logging roads and lake access roads to walking only. A few lakes I used to fish a lot are now a challenge to get to.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3367

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>ajw wrote:</div>
    Our tax dollars hard at work

    One reason there are government rules for wood removal is that some idiots abuse the pribilege. Another example of a few causing pain for the many.

    Exactly this! For every rule/law we have on the books, it’s the result of some moron pushing the boundaries and going too far.

    Posts: 525

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>ajw wrote:</div>
    Our tax dollars hard at work

    One reason there are government rules for wood removal is that some idiots abuse the pribilege. Another example of a few causing pain for the many.

    I get that. He just wants to cut up some blow down. It shouldn’t be a problem. You can’t make a law for every stupid thing people do. Yet here we are

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3128

    besides why wouldnt they want you to remove clean up deadfall…in the event of a forest fire????

    You might be amazed at the percentage of “dead” wood that is required in a forest, to maintain a healthy forest.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12802

    every year the woods get a new layer of fallen leaves, but i do hear what your saying Huntindave!!!!!! waytogo

    the amount of wood i’d take would be pretty miniscule though!!!!!! the amount of blown down populars in that spot is unbelievable!!!!

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3128

    every year the woods get a new layer of fallen leaves, but i do hear what your saying Huntindave!!!!!! waytogo

    the amount of wood i’d take would be pretty miniscule though!!!!!! the amount of blown down populars in that spot is unbelievable!!!!

    My comment was directed more towards Glen. Too many folks fail to look at the whole picture. A forest is NOT a city park.
    A healthy forest is much more than green plant life. Dead and decaying plants provide both food and shelter to the entire food chain.

    The amount any one individual removes is only one factor the USFS considers when issuing permits. I would imagine you will have no problem receiving a permit.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    In our county in Wi its something like $20 for a 3 month pass? I was in the office and spoke to them and was pleasantly surprised at the cost. Covers down wood on all county land and there’s a lot around us. That is my backup plan should I run out of free options. We just use it for campfires.

    Posts: 659

    Had a buddy that used to live in Itasca Co. and heated his home all winter with scavenged logs.Not sure what the permit costed him but I know he could never go fishing because he was busy every weekend for the whole summer to retreive and cut up all the logs he would need for winter.He may have saved a few bucks but he never had much fun.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12337

    Pretty sure the permitting process existed prior to this, but they had a big problem with people cutting down birch tree’s and limbs pre-covid I think. Apparently there’s cidiots that will pay like $5-$20/branch for their winter decorations or something. While we may not have defined cidiots yet, I think we all would agree anyone paying per branch would fit the definition. rotflol

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