soldTerrova 80# 60″ Bluetooth I-Pilot US2 2019

  • B-man
    Posts: 6645

    Hey guys, was looking to trade for a smaller unit but didn’t have anyone interested. Listing for sale now instead to buy a smaller one (for my little river boat)

    It’s a 2019 Bluetooth 80# 60″ 24V

    Has foot pedal, US2 transducer, and remote.

    Located near Duluth

    $1,750 obo

    The trade offer is still open for someone with a comparable 55# 12v Terrova

    1. Screenshot_20240323-1834382-1.png

    2. Screenshot_20240323-183442-1.png

    South Metro
    Posts: 2118

    Man, I would love to be able to do something. Love my Terrova but really want the Bluetooth with the Spot Lock button on the foot pedal. My remote is going ( the connection to plug in charge is getting worse and worse and they are $349 to buy if you can find one)
    Mine is the 60″ 80Lb – 2016 model – Spot lock works great ( in response to the other thread re: the Terrovas)
    Best of luck.

    Posts: 589

    A few boats ago I had a Terrova and had the same thing going on. I thought it was the connection on the remote going but it ended up just being the cord. Not sure if that common or not but might be worth trying a friends cord or something. I think that was a 2015 model.

    Posts: 6645


    Thanks Guys!

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