? For NE SD fisherman

  • fishthumper
    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12533

    How soon after ice out does the Walleye fishing start to get good? Mainly talking on the bigger lakes. What kind of water temps are needed before the bite gets going. I’ve got the itch to get a jump on the open water season and was thinking of making a run out to the Webster area as soon as possible.

    Posts: 727

    Its good right away.. Last few years we have had a tournaments that ended up being just days after ice out.. We have posted some really good weights in the past. It should be off several weeks ahead of the last two year this year. Call up there and check out the conditions around end of this month!

    Jeffrey Trapp
    Milbank, SD
    Posts: 303

    Ice is gone on 95% of lakes I would say. In a few days all should be ice free. Waubay had quite a bit of ice on the main lake but it is starting to disappear quickly. I would guess that Bitter lake is the same way. We have been getting a little rain the last few days so that should help it go faster.

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