Well, keep in mind, my property is well, I’ll call it special. I’m sure you’ll think I’m full of it…but it is what it is.
I pass on more bucks in a season than a lot hunters see in a lifetime. I don’t see a lot of bucks that meet “MY” requirements so they don’t get shot. The big boys are around but maybe I’m just not good enough to get many of them.
This year was weird, like every farmer will tell you but there was an abundance of food in the area, still standing corn with 1/4 mile of me.
The food plots draw in a ton of deer, they will all winter. I see 10-20 every night. By the way, my house sits within a couple yards of it all. As the winter goes on and IF the next door corn gets picked, my plots will draw 40-60 deer a night.
I’ll stop there but the plots are an absolute magnet. Without trying to come off as a blow hard, I could shoot 8 points and smaller bucks every night of the year and does as well. Ok, not every night but you get the point.
My wife and I shot 3 deer this year. An 8 point and 2 does. We have lots of venison and enough to share. I do all the butchering, grinding, and sausage myself. 3 is plenty.