Got to thinking today I sold some surplus gear I had for fishing to me less is more sometimes. So I would say I’m a very avid angler do pretty good on bass in the summer and pan fish. I have 2 fairly small boats, fair electronics and gear and enjoy it a lot. When I first started I thought I needed everything the professionals need and yes it definitely is advertising and wanting you to buy more my fault on that but after I figured out I would not be the next KVD noticed I used less and less gear. So from a guide or a professional fisherman are the rest of us really missing out not having all the toys? It would be fun yes but is it really needed? I see some people in little 14 foot boats with 10 horse motors do just as well as the big boats do. Seen this in a few small tournaments I was in real local stuff if you get my drift. They can get to more smaller lakes and maybe not so worried about a scratch. They say fishing is such an inexpensive sport to start but from what I see it’s almost crazy. Anyway just seeing what you all think. Could it just be what is in the eye of the beholder?

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