Food for thought

  • Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16340

    Imagine being born in 1900.
    When you are 14 years old
    World War I begins
    and it ends when you 18
    with 22 million deaths.
    Shortly after, a global pandemic
    A flu called “Spanish”,
    It kills 50 million people.
    I come out alive and free,
    You are 20 years old.
    Then at 29 years you survived the global economic crisis that started with the collapse of the New York Stock Exchange, causing inflation, unemployment and hunger.
    At 33 the Nazis come to power.
    You’re 39 when WWII starts and ends when you’re 45 during the Holocaust (Shoah) 6 million Jews die.
    There will be more than 60 million deaths in total.
    When you’re 52 years old, the Korean War starts.
    When you’re 64 starts the Vietnam War and ends when you’re 75. years
    A child born in 1985 thinks his grandparents have no idea how hard life is,
    and they survived various wars and disasters.
    A boy born in 1995 and today 25 years old thinks it’s the end of the world when his Amazon package takes more than three days to arrive or when he doesn’t get more than 15 “likes” for his photo posted on Facebook or Instagram…
    In 2020, many of us live in comfort, have access to different sources of entertainment at home and often have more than we need.
    But people complain about everything.
    However, they have electricity, phone, food, hot water and a roof over their heads.
    None of this existed before.
    But humanity survived much more serious circumstances and never lost the joy of living.
    Maybe it’s time to be less selfish, stop complaining and crying.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11301

    Cool. Now do the 1800s.

    Posts: 5030

    Arrogance diminishes wisdom.

    The writer insulting the reader with their last sentence sums up how the very generations they are critical of came to be about.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13303

    My grandmother lived to be over 100 and one of my uncles and mentors in life lived 98 years. Reading and looking at the timelines of their lives is indescribable. The above list is just the beginning of what they experienced in their life.

    Up Nort’
    Posts: 301

    “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”

    We are here………………………….^^^^^

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 3881

    Well said Dutch. My grandma didn’t have electricity at her house until she was out of high school. I am trying to do my best to explain to my son some of the problems he is having is not a problem. Toughen up buttercup. I didn’t have 90% of the stuff he has growing up. Either it was not available, or we couldn’t afford it.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59968

    I’ll say it again…on the way to the “resort” from the air field at Christmas Island, I said out loud while looking at the “shacks” of the happy people there…Anyone that complains about the U.S of A needs to spend a week down here.

    First world problems don’t count down there.

    1. DSC_9541.jpg

    South Metro
    Posts: 1882

    M<y favorite line to my kids “that’s a first world problem” – shuts them right up – They get it – having it painfully explained the first time.
    Perspective can be a wonderful thing.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5247

    A child born in 1985 thinks his grandparents have no idea how hard life is,

    I would wager that most of the people born in the early 80s would disagree with this. We know how hard life was in other generations but that doesn’t mean some things in our generation aren’t hard too.

    Imagine being happy for something in your life only to have someone say well you shouldn’t be happy for that because there are many people who have it waaaay better… No one would say that. Similarly, if something isn’t going right in your life, you absolutely have the right to be upset or complain a bit even when you know there are other people who have it worse.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18223

    “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”

    I think you can figure out where we are right now….

    Posts: 2459

    That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly.

    Thomas Paine.

    Seems the easier things get, the harder easier things seem.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11188

    Crabby old folks have been b!tching about how “soft” young people have gotten for at least 2000 years and probably a lot longer than that. Plato was already complaining about how lazy and disrespectful the young snowflakes had become in ancient Greece circa 400 AD! Viking writings from BC complain about how lazy the youth have become. Presumably, they were not raping and pillaging at the normal levels considered to be socially acceptable…

    And of course, the crabby old b@stards doing all the b!tching, NEVER say anything about the messes that THEIR generation has created that will have to be cleaned up and paid for by future generations.

    It’s the ol’ myth of the “self-made man/woman” It goes like this:

    “Everything I accomplished in life was all through my own effort and hard work and I paid my own way. Everything that anybody else accomplished was handed to them and paid for by the government.”

    Yeah. Right.


    Posts: 5030

    ancient Greece circa 400 AD

    Meme doesnt have too much to do w this thread but saw this morning seems like a good injection of humor

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