FNH FiveseveN

  • Taylor Hanson
    Posts: 9

    Brand new never fired. Comes with 3 20 round mags and a box of ammo. $1100

    1. 300px-FN5701.jpg

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    Ohhh, if the ammo just weren’t so darn expensive. I looked at one of these a few years ago. Have absolutely no need but dang it’s cool.

    Good luck selling!

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Ohhh, if the ammo just weren’t so darn expensive. I looked at one of these a few years ago. Have absolutely no need but dang it’s cool.


    eyota, mn
    Posts: 599

    Where are you located?

    south metro
    Posts: 636

    I wish I had the $ we were shooting my buddies at 200 yards standing offhand and ringing the 10″ gong repeatedly! I mean those things are like shooting freaking laser beams.

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