FLX28 vs FLX30

  • iceager01
    Redwood County/Scott County
    Posts: 237

    If you could get either which one would you prefer? Why or why not??
    I currently use the FL22-HD… I’m looking to upgrade..

    Southern MN
    Posts: 258

    I have a a couple20’s and an 8, but love my Garmin’s. Price isn’t really any different going from a 30 to a 73cv echo map uhd, or a helix. But you can’t go wrong with the tried and true vexilar, I won’t ever not have one.

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1074

    I’ve had both, the adjustability of the transducer output makes the 30 better.

    Redwood County/Scott County
    Posts: 237

    I have a a couple20’s and an 8, but love my Garmin’s. Price isn’t really any different going from a 30 to a 73cv echo map uhd, or a helix. But you can’t go wrong with the tried and true vexilar, I won’t ever not have one.

    Which Garmin did you have, I sort of looked at those early in the season…

    Posts: 433

    73cv is a great value I love mine, Connects to live scope and panoptix also. Mapping is great and I like the flasher mode even better than the vex because it shows fish size way better. It is very easy to tell a walleye apart from any other fish on the Garmin.

    Posts: 9253

    The gap between 28 and 30 is the same as the gap between 12 and 28. 30 is a much better unit. That said, it’s a lot of cash to drop on a flasher when GPS fishfinders aren’t any more expensive

    Southern MN
    Posts: 258

    73, I believe they are $100 off at Scheels, or they were. The vexilar is a proven unit and has been for MANY years, but I love my Garmin…and it’s less than a vexilar 30. I do run lithium batteries, never ran on the factory battery, and with lithium never ran out of battery fishing for a full day.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22200

    I have the 93sv and flx 28, wish I would have bought the 30. I’d rather fish with the vex over the garmin. Garmin is used for gps. That said the lithium flx 28 package has been great. I’ll probably sell it for the 30

    Southern MN
    Posts: 258

    I’m purchasing the 93 next. I’ve always said I don’t need the panoptix, livescope or anything like that….but I’ve realized after fishing with one, it’s a must, just have to make it fit into the budget.

    Posts: 40

    Tutts has a sale on live scope
    . New 34 transducer. Price is same but free 24 volt strike master and under water camera.

    Posts: 40

    Check out Reed’s for mega live. About a 1 k off

    Redwood County/Scott County
    Posts: 237

    I had to drive by Scheels on my way to work this morning so I stopped to check out both the 28 and 30, low and behold they were having an in-store over-stock special on the 30, 580 plus tax… so I bought one with my xmas gift cards!!… Thanks to everyone for your comments and assistance regarding my question… Have a Great rest of season!!
    Tight Lines…

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1074

    $580! That’s a helluva deal!

    Southern MN
    Posts: 258

    Awesome price

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