Fluorocarbon line

  • Jeff K
    Posts: 30

    Anyone use this much? I bought a new St. Croix Eyecon, and plan to put on trilene florocarbon. Never used the stuff before. Just curious about the pros and cons of it. I typically use trilene xl. Seems to bite off a little harder than xl.

    Posts: 70

    I use it quite a bit for jigging and tossing plastics for eyes but I’m not sold on any one brand (yet). I’ve been trying out seagar blue label 6lb this spring on the river and have had decent results. One thing that I’ve noticed is that seagar is thinner than other floro for the same lb test rating so I got some 8lb to try out this weekend for comparison. I also have a rods rigged with p-line and suffix. Both seem like decent line but have more stretch than I care for. Also the suffix seems to be a bit more opaque than the others. I haven’t used any Berkley line for a few years except nanofill which I’m liking for some aplications btw.

    What I like about floro is that it sinks and I can get some of the bow out of the line. I find that it’s a lot easier to detect bites and feel any structure with than mono. If are thinking of using it with bobbers though you’re way better off using a few feet as a leader than as a main line. Being that floro sinks you’ll have nothing but trouble.

    Hope that helps

    Jeff K
    Posts: 30

    It does, thanks!

    Posts: 3696

    Fluorocarbon can have its place, but for me it’s as a leader tied to braid. Otherwise too much stretch when setting the hook. And it has a lot of manageability issues as a main line and can be a real PIA. Just my .02

    Posts: 1054

    I have given up on flouro as a main line. To much memory and stretch. I do use it for leaders with braid and nanofil on really clear lakes. I also use 8lb maxima ultragreen for leaders in off colored water. Really tough stuff

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    I also gave up Fluoro for main line. Stretches a ton and really causes problems when snagged, mono all the way. I do use it as main line for ice fishing, however and it works great. Only time Fluoro is used in my boat is for live bait rigs with bottom bouncers or 3-ways. I like Sufix 8lb Fluoro for leaders. Good buddy really likes his Seaguar Red label 8lb, it’s a feud when we fish together…

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    Fluorocarbon can have its place, but for me it’s as a leader tied to braid. Otherwise too much stretch when setting the hook. And it has a lot of manageability issues as a main line and can be a real PIA. Just my .02


    I used main line braid and a 5′ Fluoro leader all weekend on Traverse pitching jigs! Great set up and I’d highly recommend it for this style of fishing.

    1. IMG_20170422_221419_233.jpg

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I’ve used fluoro as my main line for a while now, but I am switching out to braid and running a fluoro leader. I tested braid on one of my baitcasters and the improvement on sensitivity was exponential.

    I was concerned about how bad the backlashes would be with braid, since wind knots are usually impossible to get out. But for some reason the braid does not backlash as bad. I think braid slows the spool down faster when it starts to backlash.

    I’ve become very confident with my FG leader knot.

    If you ever bobber fish, fluoro is horrible. You constantly have to keep the slack out of the sinking line or it gets caught up in the submerged weeds.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    A lot will depend on the pound rating of the fluoro and the brand. I’ve used Berkley Vanish 6 and 8 pound fluoro as the spool line for casting in Lake Superior without any issues. I’ve also had 10 pound on a reel and just about threw the whole nine yards in the water. I’ve tried several “fluoro coated” lines in 2 to 4 pound and the stuff has been a waste of money. The light Vanish though has been fine for me.

    Ryan P
    Posts: 223

    I used braid with a flouro leader in Florida fishing. It stood up to everything from rocks, shells, and teeth very well. That being said I couldn’t imagine using it for anything but a leader. Personally I am a fan of the seaguar.

    After seeing the performance on the saltwater fish I’ve been using it here. So far I have no regrets.

    Posts: 585

    Floro clear is a brand by p-line it is mono floro combo. Priced very well at 10.00 or 12.00 bucks a spool and very tough been fishing bass tournaments for years with it.

    Ryan Hughes
    Posts: 176

    One thing that I have noticed in my experience with Floro is that you really get what you pay for. The cheaper stuff just doesn’t perform like the more expensive stuff. I am a huge fan of the Seaguar Blue Label which I use for leaders on all of my trolling gear for lake trout. I just tie an albright knot to attach it to the braided mainline.

    I just spooled up two set ups with the Seaguar invizx floro mainline to use for Kokanee. My thoughts here is that koks have such soft mouths that you really need some give in your gear to prevent them from getting off (also have light action rods) so the stretch that it provides will help me out for this application. I think that it has its place if you use its characteristics to your advantage but just like rods it isn’t a one and done thing. One reason my wife doesn’t like my hobby, every different kind of fish needs a whole different set up :).

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12600

    Curious what opinions there are on if brand matters for using it for a leader? Such a small amount any brand is fine, or some brands are just an inferior product?

    Posts: 3696

    I was concerned about how bad the backlashes would be with braid, since wind knots are usually impossible to get out. But for some reason the braid does not backlash as bad.

    I always found that bad rats nests with fluorocarbon were its death knell. I found once it was kinked up in a backlash, the stress on the line caused many little micro-fractures – which ended up causing the line to snap later when you really needed it.

    For the record I’m pretty good at getting the occasional backlash like anyone else, but I don’t think braid backlashes are any worse than fluorocarbon – and I do think it is a much more salvageable line that won’t fracture and break later.

    Posts: 3696

    Curious what opinions there are on if brand matters for using it for a leader? Such a small amount any brand is fine, or some brands are just an inferior product?

    I honestly don’t think it matters that much, with maybe one exception…

    Since braid is the main line with zero stretch – sometimes you do want to add some “give” in certain applications by adding a leader that does have a good amount of stretch. When I did my annual line stretch test – out of all the lines tested (Mono, Fluorocarbon, Co-polymer) the line that stretched the most of all 3 categories was Berkley 100% fluorocarbon (by a pretty healthy margin). So, if I want to add some stretch forgiveness, I use that spool.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1526

    I used flouro as a main line for a couple outing last year and I was done with it, as a main line, but still use it as a leader, As others have said the stretch and maneagability issues were a pain. Have been using Seagure for leaders and like it.

    Posts: 3424

    I had a terrible experience using vanish. I used vanish to tie up about 30 spinner rigs several years ago and they snapped one after the other, and they weren’t large fish breaking the vanish. Eventually I cut all remaining rigs and went back to using mono. I had friends using vanish as leader material as they had similar issues with it breaking. I gave up on fluorocarbon until a couple years ago when I tried suffix for a leader with braid in clear water and the suffix works well. I have no idea if vanish is better now, but I will never give it another chance.

    spring valley mn
    Posts: 758

    I used it for main line and hated it!! it would show these little frays will stick to braid on river 832 and suffix siege on clear water

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