Fluoro Birdsnest

  • Eelpoutguy
    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    Ok, I’ve been trying to get an answer on Fluro. I’d talk to the folks (kids) at Gander, Cabellas, Fleet, Joes, etc.
    I wanted to know why you would just use it as a leader. They would say “it’s to expensive to fill your spool with it”. At $6 for 110 yards I didn’t think it was to expensive. There had to be another reason. Right? I found the other reason. I filled the spool on LOTW this past weekend, in 30 seconds I had this. A $6 birds nest. LOL

    1. Fluro.jpg

    David Blais
    Posts: 766

    Hmmm… i have fluro on all my ice and open water rods. Never had that happen. I use Berkeley vanish. What brand did you buy

    Posts: 201

    X2 on Berkley vanish. I dunno what’s up with that but I know how bad that sucks. Just ask one of the guys on my opener trip. I told him to respool before we got out…..one cast birdsnest…spent 30 minutes respooling in the boat in 38 degree weather with snow.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    It was Berkley Vanish.

    Posts: 7348

    Used vanish last year, nice stuff. Switched to suffix invisiline at some point and like it better. Better knot strengths at lower #s.

    All how you spool it. Spooling it on, push the line back down towards reel to create slack, if the line wants to coil flip the spool over and proceed. And number one on line jumping off, you’re spooling it too tight. Very little tension is needed to keep line on.

    That picture is awesome. Really sucks, but man that’s crazy right there.

    Posts: 2123

    LOL oh I haven’t seen it that bad before. Its all on how you spool it, I use to have bird nest until I learned on how to spool it correctly.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3909

    I tried it a couple years ago, it was Vanish too.
    I used 4 6 and 8#. The 8 had so much memory when cold that it was a PITA. 6 was less and 4 the least. From what I saw, the heavier the line the worse it got, like many times worse. It was so annoying that I don’t even use it anymore and just run XL or Gamma.

    Also, the way you wind in on the spool can make a difference. I think for most lines on a spinning reel you want the spool to lay label side up when winding.

    Posts: 89

    What pound test was the flouro? I wouldnt even touch flouro on that small 500 spool. On the 500 i recommend not going over 4 lb test.

    Posts: 292

    I cast p line flouro on some of my baitcasters for bass and dont think I ever had a backlash. I tried it on a spinning reel and it was a different story same thing as you. It just walked off the spool. I think it is stiffer than mono and for sure braid so it doesnt bend around the spool as well.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I think I know why it was $6….

    How long did the line sit on the reel before you used it the first time? 30 seconds?

    I would not fish with fluoro without letting it sit at least a day and without treating the line with Ardent Line Butter. In fact I treat all new line with line butter right away, including braid. Then I apply it if the lines have sat a while or its been a couple dozen trips since I treated it.

    Why use braid? It’s far more sensitive.

    SE MN
    Posts: 25

    What pound test did you try and put on? Something wrong with this picture, have never had line uncoil off a spool that far. Vanish is excellent line, has some memory but I have never had it come close to doing that? Maybe was sitting on a store shelf a long time or took on extra memory some how. Like nhamm said, crazy.

    Posts: 7348

    I think I know why it was $6….

    They make small affordable spools of line strictly for ice fishing.

    Agree that shouldn’t use more than 6# test flouro on a 500 spool.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    I told him to respool before we got out…..one cast birdsnest…spent 30 minutes respooling in the boat in 38 degree weather with snow.

    This is exactly why I always have several spare rod/reels spooled up and ready to go. Set the birdsnest aside and deal with it later, keep right on fishing! Sometimes though, it seems you can’t have enough rod/reels at “the ready”!


    1. birdsnest.jpg

    Nice Fella
    Posts: 461

    poutguy – that is an AWESOME bird’s nest, completely off the spool! Well done Sir! If that happened to me in the fish house I would have had a complete meltdown conniption.
    Reminds me of my favorite bird’s nest stories from the father of a buddy of mine, one of those Greatest Generation guys. He was open water fishing in NW Wisconsin back in the day with his buddy Big Swede. Swede’s baitcaster backcast catches his plug on the gunwale behind him, and he goes full throttle on the forward cast. I guess Big Swede just took out his pocketknife and started cutting. Would have been fun to be there for that!

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Swede’s baitcaster backcast catches his plug on the gunwale behind him, and he goes full throttle on the forward cast. I guess Big Swede just took out his pocketknife and started cutting.

    I would be on the floor of the boat laughing, unable to control myself.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    Ok I see I made a couple mistakes.
    1) First and foremost – Telling you guys rotflol
    2) I had 31lifer hold the spool, probably should have left the spool on the ground.
    3) I used 8lb test. Just an old habit I can’t shake. Besides I thought Fluoro was a smaller dia. than mono. This line wasn’t.
    It was pretty funny watching the line unspool before my eyes in about a 10 seconds. Good thing I had a few Coronas in me.

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