Flu shot – Who does it and who does not

  • stout93
    Becker MN
    Posts: 1028

    This thread is still going because it’s an echo chamber of anti-vax / anti-science rhetoric. Using mRNA as some boogeyman scare tactic..

    “Anti Science rhetoric”??

    How can you even utter that with a straight face?

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1601

    ne who drinks alcohol?
    Id bet a good percentage of doctors partake in one or the other or maybe even both.
    I only know two doctors personally. Both can put the beers away with the best of them. Can I trust their advice?

    Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner. I know several docs and they act exactly in this way.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    Lol I didn’t actually post that Brad. Not sure how you were able to get me on that quote. Grubson posted it I think.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    taking health advice from the guy who smokes more weed than snoop dog. that’s pure gold hah You do realize most of those people you referenced are….. doctors…

    I’ll stick with JR and RFK, you can have Dr. Rachel Levine and Dr. Peter Hotez. I included the trigger warning for you and everything bud, and still you present a totally false Red Herring argument…again, like the wolf thread.

    All of those people talk about the problems with our “medicine” and the PCP’s enabling that system and how terribly unhealthy we are as a country. None of them are Primary Care providers either. And most are Dr’s like Dr. Jill Biden is, although slightly closer than Dr of Education like her. Hubermann has a MA in psychology and MD in Neuroscience, Peter Attia has a MD and is a researcher, Knees over Toes guy has no medical degree that I could find, More Plates More Dates guy has no medical degree, Casey Means literally walked away from “medicine” to practice health & Calley Means went to Harvard Business School.

    But unlike most PCP’s they all talk about diet and exercise. And unlike PCP’s they aren’t looking for the next pill to put you on.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    I’m curious who exactly some of you guys see for medical checkups/advice. Perhaps you need to look elsewhere.

    I’m 35 going on 36, and haven’t ever had a doc who I’ve felt wanted me on a medication other than something being absolutely necessary to resolve something out of my control. I’ve never felt pushed to be on something, to take a vaccine, or do anything but make healthy choices. My doctor has 2 teenage kids, a wife, hobby farm, and spends time hunting and fishing.

    My brother now goes to the same doc I do. He told him his BP was high…quite high. The only prescription he got was to drop 20# and cut the processed food consumption.

    I’m up to date on the staple vaccines. I don’t get a flu shot but my wife (runs an ER) and kids do. They also have all their basic vaccines minus the 18 covid shots and boosters. Vaccines serve a purpose and have increased the survivability of humans for multiple generations now. With that said, people can make their own choices. I don’t care what other people choose to do with their healthcare decisions regarding vaccines, alcohol, prescriptions, exercise, worms in their brain, etc

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    This thread is still going because it’s an echo chamber of anti-vax / anti-science rhetoric. Using mRNA as some boogeyman scare tactic..

    Negative. I’m a firm believer not to take medicine and shots that are not needed if you are healthy. Been that way my entire life, my folks are the same and none of us get sick hardly ever besides a small cold from time to time. I know far to many that rush to take every shot and pill they can, and they are constantly having issues. It’s also a major concern these days with how many children have issues for unknown reasons, is it a side effect ? Not sure. But hasn’t happened within my family. We are not anti vaccination but we don’t rush out to get any one we can because it’s that season again.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    I also have 3 kids, 2 in school one in daycare, not sure how that’s a reason to go get every shot available. I think it just comes down to personal health choice. If your prone to get sick then yeah it makes sense. If your healthy and your not prone to sickness, then no need.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1757

    Being close to 68 i do get flu vaccine . Worked with a guy whose wife was a nurse . For some reason he would never get a flu shot ? He would come to work sicker than a dog , nice ! Then pass his germs around to everyone getting a lot of the crew sick ! I was vacced and did not . I ll take that jab anyday to hopfully prevent that god awful sickness . Been doing it my whole life and never grew any extra parts LOL

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    I think it just comes down to personal health choice.

    I agree. It should be a personal health choice. And if you’re unsure, seek advice from a medical professional. Not from a politician, social media, or outdoor forum. We all have different genetics and we all have different lifestyles.

    Like some other topics here, it comes down to personal freedom. Some choose to make decisions that are different than others. I see it like wearing a PFD or motorycycle helmet. “Watch your own bobber” is the term often used.

    Statistically speaking, the influenza vaccine is one of the least effective versions out there. Its primarily because they have to try and make a prediction on what variation or mutation will be the dominant strain that circulates. The efficacy is only about 50%, which compared to others, is poor. Its not unsafe to take for the general public unless you have a specific allergy or guilliane bar syndrome, and in that case that information should already be listed on your medical records. Should you choose not to take it, who cares. That’s your decision, I respect it. What I don’t agree with is when someone claims to know more about public health than a licensed professional who practices it on a daily basis.

    Posts: 824

    “Your immune systems are weak”

    Language warning!

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3480

    I’ll stick with JR and RFK

    Excuse me, I had to pick myself up off the floor from still rolling around in laughter that you think Joe Rogan is qualified to give any sort of medical advice. I thought you were trolling but the fact you believe Rogan, who smokes more weed than snoop dog, is qualified to give medical advice is laughably sad.

    just to be clear – so you support getting rid of the polio vaccine?

    I’m curious – why do you think RFK is qualified to give or advocate for any sort of health/medicine advice? What background gives him education on anything medical related?

    I like how you can chalk up these vast conclusions on all PCPs based on your small sample size of experiences. Just like every other profession out there, there’s going to be good ones and bad ones. Sounds like you got a crappy PCP. Again if you need your doctor to tell you about the importance of diet and exercise, things are making a lot more sense. lol They start teaching that in middle school.

    I’m with bucky – never had a doctor try to push any medications on me and never had a bad experience. I also did a lot of research when picking my PCP.

    Vaccines serve a purpose and have increased the survivability of humans for multiple generations now.

    amen. pretty hard to argue against this with any sort of logic. People have these vast conspiracy theories on vaccines causing all sorts of side effects. Still waiting for someone to provide some real evidence or actual research that supports any of those claims.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    Please site your source for RFK Jr wanting to “get rid” of the polio vaccine. Notice Bucky said he believes in vaccine but does not have any of the 18 covid jabs ?

    I will wait for your source on RFK Jr and getting rid of the polio vaccine story your spreading here.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    I’m curious who exactly some of you guys see for medical checkups/advice.

    I’ve had like 6 different Fairview (in-network requirement of my insurance) PCP’s since moving to the cities, about half left on their own and the others I switched off of because they were just checking boxes and barely talked about anything health related. But one consistency across all 6, if my cholesterol/blood pressure/glucose/anything else came back higher than last time, they had time to talk about watching that closely and discuss what meds they might put me on. FWIW I’m not on any meds and again, generally healthy, just talking about my experience.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    As far as this says, one of his Lawyer’s he has used in the past petitioned them, not on his behalf.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1893

    As far as this says, one of his Lawyer’s he has used in the past petitioned them, not on his behalf.

    Yes, and in 2022. It’s now 2025.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    Hahahahahaha someones Dad’s friends cousin said so, and the NYT printed it, so Gitchi reiterates it. There’s nearly endless amount of videos on YouTube of RFK discussing his views on vaccines, why would you post this NYT link?

    I thought you were trolling but the fact you believe Rogan, who smokes more weed than snoop dog, is qualified to give medical advice is laughably sad.

    First of all marijuana is medicine, and has been legally for years, according to your experts. And I may not know much but if you show me a picture of JR, RFK, Dr Levine and Dr Hotez, I and anyone with a shred of common sense, can tell you who is the better resource regarding health.

    People have these vast conspiracy theories on vaccines causing all sorts of side effects. Still waiting for someone to provide some real evidence or actual research that supports any of those claims.

    How would you ever find it, if you are unwilling to look? Check out VAERS, the whole system is dedicated to Vaccine side effects. And there’s a ton of published research as well. But again the NYT, WaPo, VOX, Bluesky and Reddit probably aren’t force feeding it to you, so you may not know. And if I tell you about it you will just use straw man, appeal to authority, red herring or other logical fallacies, like you continue to demonstrate.

    And fwiw I and my kids have the whole vax schedule, I got the Moderna double dose, still have side effects from it. I lost 2 friends to the MRNA vax’s, my FIL is disabled from it and another friend that spent a week in the hospital from it. IMO that was the cause, since they all corresponded to getting the shot within a month.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1893

    It’s hard to believe that a guy would post a link to an article about Aaron Siri’s opinion and claim it was RFK’s opinion. Did you even read your own links? Unbelievable. Great arguement.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12744

    My brother now goes to the same doc I do. He told him his BP was high…quite high. The only prescription he got was to drop 20# and cut the processed food consumption.

    Well lets hope your brother does not drop dead of a heart attack tomorrow. My guess is neither you or or family will Feel as good about your Dr’s advice. If his BP was only slightly high and he was in poor shape this may be the right choice. But if Quite high – That is a different matter. My guess is far more Dr’s would have has far more discussion other than drop 20lbs and eat better. I know some really healthy people who are on BP meds.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3306

    People can site sources for all kinds of stuff including Vaccines and whether they are god or bad. Every single source will have a bent or bias towards the direction they want their information to go. Its just like politics and the news sources that lean one way or the other. In either case, the whole truth is simply dependent on which side of a bias want to believe. And then the truth can be questionable.

    If you want the vaccine for whatever, get it. If you don’t want it, don’t get it. Its simple. If someone has fallen off the apple cart and needs to come here for advice on vaccines, I feel a little sorry for them, but not much.

    Posts: 602

    This discussion is another prime example of why social media is the scourge of the world and worse damage wise than any vaccines, etc. hands down.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>buckybadger wrote:</div>
    My brother now goes to the same doc I do. He told him his BP was high…quite high. The only prescription he got was to drop 20# and cut the processed food consumption.

    Well lets hope your brother does not drop dead of a heart attack tomorrow. My guess is neither you or or family will Feel as good about your Dr’s advice. If his BP was only slightly high and he was in poor shape this may be the right choice. But if Quite high – That is a different matter. My guess is far more Dr’s would have has far more discussion other than drop 20lbs and eat better. I know some really healthy people who are on BP meds.

    crazy crazy crazy

    That’s a great example of an oxymoron.

    Becker MN
    Posts: 1028

    Zuckerberg admits that the Biden regime were pressuring him to “take down things that were true” about vaccine side effects.

    Posts: 25044

    Zuckerberg admits that the Biden regime were pressuring him to “take down things that were true” about vaccine side effects.

    Imagine that. Yesterday he announced they are moving away from censuring and toward “community notes” like Twitter.
    You cant believe Zuckerberg though, he said that on Joe Rogan……………

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3306

    I know some really healthy people who are on BP meds.

    Maybe “healthy” because they ARE on BP meds. Fishthumper wrote that, not bucky.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13093

    Maybe “healthy” because they ARE on BP meds. Fishthumper wrote that, not bucky.
    [/quote] my thoughts to Jimmy. waytogo

    i’d probably be pushing up weeds now for not some meds and medical intervention!!!!!

    South Metro
    Posts: 2122

    ANY OF THESE vaccine theories can be put to rest by listening to this Megyn Kelly interview. RFKJ is hard to listen to but will tell you in his own words about vaccines. The ONE he wants banned and not the rest and why. Megyn asks tough questions and pushes back when she disagrees or hears something she thinks he is saying that is wrong and why. UNLIKE MSNBC,CBS,NBC, CNN. A “real’ journalist.
    Give it a listen if you can handle it.
    And btw most of our hospitals and clinics are owned by “someone’
    (big pharma) else and mandate what drugs are to be used. As a doctor if you don’t like it you can pound sand or not use those drugs and as a result not get reimbursed.
    I’ve said it before and it is still true – follow the MONEY

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