Out of curiosity, what do you recommend?
Joe Rogan.
That might trigger some here
, but he has some great advice and phenomenal guests on that are great resources. Hubermann, Peter Attia, Knees over Toes guy, More Plates More Dates guy, Casey & Calley Means and more. Or just contact a dietician/nutritionist and a trainer.
Personally I suggest people should eat like their grandparents (whole foods and butter) not their parents (processed foods and margarine/seed oils), and try and exercise 30+ minutes a day with some weight lifting incorporated. Diet is the most important imo, and it doesn’t take much.
I’m 42, slightly overweight but generally healthy. I get an annual physical, and the real wake up call for me was at this year’s physical when there were some bad indicators on my blood test. Nothing immediate or super scary, but signs of trouble down the road, and the Dr told me for 10 minutes about all the different pills they could prescribe for this or that, I finally asked if she wanted to discuss my diet or exercise habits? And she goes, we generally don’t because people get offended by it, but yes you should improve on those things and then went back to describing pills. That was when I realized medical doctors mainly treat symptoms with pills not causes with cures.