I don’t want to hijack, but did you eat the triple tail frydog? I’ve heard it is good. It also looks like a fun way to fish, if you caught them the way I have seen. I see guys pitch jigs to floating vegetation, buoys, any type of floating cover.
Catching tripletail is really fun – especially in the more “winter” season in Florida when the snook, tarpon, etc are still a few months off. Our guide Dean Bos would take us out and find the volleyball sized floats the fisherman put out to mark their traps. On sunny days (most every day) you drive down the long line of floats and can see the occasional shadow of the tripletail next to the float. They just stare at it all day long. We stop the boat, cast a live shrimp just beyond and slowly drag in front of the fish and boom!
Tripletail are fighters, like a huge crappie. They also have an extremely sharp gill plate you don’t want to get anywhere near of. A great, white flaky meat and quite coveted by the locals. Also a very protected fish – a narrow slot to keep. We went out twice and caught tripeltail but no keeper size. We tagged a few so Dean could record and send in to I believe the FL DNR for tracking purposes.
About a month later, we were at a “locals” house who set out some tripletail as hors d oeuvres. So I can say I had one bite. It was very good but I would have preferred an entire filet to give a more informed opinion. I plan to go back this Feb, but don’t think we’ll have time to fish. If you catch and/or eat one, please do let me know.
Sorry, just one picture that my dad took on his Pre-Y2K phone. -Fry