Flooded launch – backing in trailer

  • jammington
    Posts: 11

    How far are you willing to go backing in your trailer on a flooded launch? I’ve got one where the normal launch “dropoff” is too flooded to get to. Obviously, launching the boat is tougher without the incline. So, where’s your comfort level on your truck? Water up to the running boards? Bottom of your doors? Just open the windows and hope for the best? peace

    Posts: 6687

    If your launching in Prescott, it’ll be easier in two days when the water rises higher in the parking lot.

    For me. I wont submerge the running boards completely…But the muffler bubblin is pretty common. License plate under water is not uncommon.

    Also, make sure your pumpkin breather tube isn’t underwater.
    Otherwise, back in as far as your comfortable.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1528

    I have used a launch on Rainy Lake that we back the truck in up to the rear bumper

    south metro
    Posts: 636

    If you know that your axle seals are not leaking and you know where the vents are on your rear axle and transfer case if 4wd and transmission then you can go as deep as your lowest vent. Otherwise i wouldn’t go in past the top of the lug nuts in the rear to be safe.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    I’ve never hesitated to put the muffler on my truck under at landings I’m familiar with. Seals in the rear end have never been an issue. The key is to not just assume nothing is laying under the surface in the flooded lot and knowing your landing.

    Two Springs ago I watched a guy break the skeg clean off his 200hp Yamaha backing into a flooded landing and finding a cement block that didn’t belong there. Take your time and check things out and using a flooded access isn’t a big deal.

    Posts: 959

    I don’t monkey with high water . It ain’t worth jacking my truck or boat up, so I just use extra caution and wait for better water levels

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5184

    If you’re familiar with the launch you should be ok. Walk down and check it out.

    I won’t launch in high water at 494 unless I have someone else with me. The center concrete can sneak up on you and it catches debris. I don’t have an issue at hidden falls so I’ll launch there and run downstream. Just gotta know your launch.

    Take it to the exhaust and you’ll be fine. I can’t horse the new boat off the bunks so that limits me. With the old roller trailer I could.

    Posts: 5307

    My old tahoe and smaller boat I’d run up to floor boards. Jumping out with knee boots wasn’t even an option, have to crawl thru back to unhook boat. Never had issues.

    Posts: 1291

    My old tahoe and smaller boat I’d run up to floor boards. Jumping out with knee boots wasn’t even an option, have to crawl thru back to unhook boat. Never had issues.

    A guy tried this last year at the Trempealeau lower landing,and didn’t go well.Dunked the tailpipe good,and engine stopped.Could not get restarted and had to be towed out.
    If I have to submerge tailpipe and still have to wrestle boat off,I will just find another suitable landing.That is when it is time to go to Winona and fish.Trempealeau landing was never designed correctly,and was mostly unusable last year.

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