Floating transducer for Helix 7

  • Mike Oleson
    Posts: 53

    I think the transducer ON MY BOAT for this Helix was working fine, tho it was a seldom used transom unit.
    Helix is now set for ice fishing mode.
    Now that I’m using the floating transducer while ice fishing (on a lake–no current), I cannot see the ice lure on the sonar, in 14 feet.
    The bottom will show along with some fluttering for small fish, but only when the gain is almost maxed out.
    Even holding the lures a few feet down, it doesn’t show up.
    What am I missing? This setup worked last ice season.
    Hate to buy a new transducer if that’s not the problem….thoughts?

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    Low battery voltage will cause loss of sensitivity in most sonars.

    Posts: 6629

    Is your transducer below the bottom of the ice?

    Have you wipe the transducer off?

    Loren I Duerr
    Posts: 114

    Try going to the menu and make sure the correct transducer is selected.

    Mike Oleson
    Posts: 53

    this may be an issue–battery was on 70 % and dropped to 50% rather quickly as I used it.
    I have charged it to full, and will clean the leads, and will check again tomorrow when I put the house back out…will report back…

    Transducer is clean, and below ice level.
    Correct transducer is listed on the menu.


    Paul D
    Posts: 179

    I have the same issue, just purchased the Ice Ducer for the Helix 7. Tried both fully charged Lithium & Lead batteries, same issue. As soon as the unit is powered up on a fully charged battery, the “battery” indicator shows 50% or less. Gain set to 14 or higher to see any jig.

    Mike Oleson
    Posts: 53

    Working better–but still not great..I cleaned the connections at the batt posts, and fully charged the battery again.
    Turned off the “A-Scope and adjusted gain to 18.
    Battery level was around 80% by the time I set the house and got ready to fish.
    Fished 3 hours, and the level dropped to about 50%.
    I am seeing the lure most of the time, in 18 feet….not a strong signal, but better.
    I’m wondering if I have a weak battery issue.
    I will jumper to the fishhouse deep cycle battery tomorrow, and see if that changes anything.

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